Peter, HA3AUI, се завръща в Африка. Ще е активен в свободното си време с инициал 6W2SC
(от Сенегал) и J5UAP (от Гвинея-Бисау) до 15 април.Неговите планове са да работи предимно
на цифровите видове работа и на SSB.Ще активен на всички HF обхвати включително и 6 метра
от 6W и на 30 до 10 метра от J5. QSL via HA3AUI.
Nigel, G3TXF is QRV as FJ/G3TXF until February5. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW.
QSL to home call.
Zoli, HA3HK, ще работи с инициал HG1848I от 1 февруари до 31 декември по случай
160 години от Унгарската революция (1848-49). QSL via home call (only direct).
---The two radioclubs HA5KKC (Bajcsy Radio Club) in Budapest and HA8KVK (Janoshalma Town Radio Club) will activate the special event
callsign HG550REX throughout the year 2008. This is to remember the popular Hungarian king
Matthias Corvinus who ascended the throne 550 years ago. QSL via HA5GY, via bureau ist ok.
Rick, NE8Z ,ще работи с инициал HC1MD от Tumbaco, Еквадор, от 7 до 14 и от 21 до 27 февруари
- в промеждутъка (15 - 20 февруари) той ще е активен от Рио де Жанейро, Бразилия, с инициал
PY1/NE8Z. Ще работи на обхватите от 10 до 80 м използвайки само CW и SSB.
QSL via K8LJG.
Finally Jay Mills,K1YJ, received his license for Panama and is now active as HP3AK.
His QSL manager is Jack,W4JS.
During the month of February, look for 26 stations to sign with the prefix ES90 on the bands
Activity is to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Estonian Republik. Some stations
mentioned are: ES90M and ES90G - QSL Manager is Vello, ES1QD
ES90J - QSL Manager is Victor, ES1GE
John, KX7YT, ще е активе през свободното си време от Дакка, до 11 март.Той се надява да
получи своя стар инициал S21YV и ще работи на SSB, PSK31 и RTTY, и помалко на SSTV и CW.
Гласи се да участва в CQ WW WPX RTTY и ARRL SSB DX Contest. QSL via KX7YT.
--- Toby, SM4XDJ is QRV as S21XJ from Dhaka for a few weeks. Activity is on the HF bands using
SSB and various digital modes during his evening hours and weekends. QSL via SM4XIH.
Udo, C21HC is QRV as T30HC. He has been active on 20 meters CW around 0600z.
Операторите от "TC Special Wireless Activity Team" http://tcswat.tripod.com/ между 1 и 15
февруари ще работят активно с инициал TC800NH по случай 800 годишнинатана НастрадинХоджа
- известен герой от турския фолклор.
Ще се използват предимно обхватите 17, 20 и 40 м на SSB и CW. QSL via TA1HZ.
Phil, F4EGS, от 19 януари отново е в Чад и отново ще е активен с инициал TT8PK в продължение
на няколко месеца. Ще използва "горните" обхвати (10-20 м) и ще работи на всички видове
излъчвания. QSL via F4EGS.
Rick, KT7G, и Jake, N7WO, ще работят на обхватите от 160 до 6 м с инициали V31TB и V31WO от
Белиз между 6 и 19 февруари. Те ще работят от QTH на V31MD и ще вземат участие в CQ WW WPX
RTTY Contest с инициал V31TB, а в ARRL DX CW Contest ще използват V31WO.При това първата
седмица те ще отделят повече внимание на QRV на RTTY,а през втората ще използват CW.
QSL via home calls.
Saul, WA1UKN is QRV as VP5/WA1UKN from Grand Turk until May 7. Activity is on 40, 20, 17,
15, 12 and 10 meters. QSL to home call.
Lars, MM0DWF, will be active as VP8DIF from the old whaling station Husvik between January 27th
and February 28th. He is expected to arrive in Husvik around January 26th and will leave the
island on March 1st. Activity will be limited to his spare time. According to his Web page,
15 meters will be his main band, but he will have access to most HF bands.
Visit his interesting Web page at: http://www.lars-boehme.de/vp8dif/index.html
QSL via DJ9ZB, direct or by the bureau.
Andrei, NP3D (EW1AR), ще е QRV през февруари от Никарагуа. Той ще вземе участие
в CQ WPX RTTY Contest с инициал YN2S, а седмоцата преди състезанието (3-8 февруари)
ще работи активно на RTTY, CW, PSK31 и SSB на на всички обхвати използвайки инициала
H7/NP3D. По един оператор от всеки континент (6) , които направят най-много QSO
band/mode с YN2S и H7/NP3D,ще получат специална награда (футболна топка с инициалите)
QSL via W3HNK.
Island activities:
Gwyn, G4FKH, ще е QRV с инициал 3B8/G4FKH от MAURITIUS ISLAND (AF-049) между
5 февруари и 14 март. Ще работи през свободното си време,използвайки малка мощност
100 вата и дипол за 10-40 метра,само на CW. QSL via home call.
EU-034 Muhu Island
Operator Vello, ES1QD, will be active as ES90M from Muhu Island during February
sometime (no dates provided). QSL via his home callsign.
EU-175 Faial isl
CU8AS и HB9CRV (CT3FN) ще работят с инициал CU7T от Cedros, о-в Faial,
до 5 февруари.Те работят на CW, RTTY и PSK31.
NA-007 Southampton isl
Mike, VE2XB, ще работи с инициал VE2XB/VY0 от о-в Southampton (NA-007)
през следващите няколко месеца.Ще е активен на CW и SSB на 40,30 и 20 м
през свободното си време. QSL via home call.
The DXpedition of the week is going to Cocos Island (Isla del Coco, NA-012) also known
as Treasure Island. Everything will take place like planned though the original license
holder will not take part in the DXpedition himself. The change of the TI9K license
holder from TI2KAC to TI7WGI (co-organizer) was no problem and all preparations for the
team of twelve are well underway. YL Yamini,VU2YAM, Oscar,EA1DR, Carlos,EA1IR, Fred,DH5FS,
Norbert,DJ7JC, Guenter,DL2AWG, Arno,OE9AMJ, Andy,DH8WR/EA2CRX, Manfred,HS0ZEU/DL2EBR,
Joe,AA4NN, Charles,W4GMY,and Craig,K9CT, will be on the air as TI9K from Feb 6-14.
They will run up to seven stations simultaneously with at least one digi-mode station
operating MixW 2.18, PSK and all other digital modes. Another station will work also via
EME (2m/70cm). Operation takes place in CW/SSB/RTTY/ PSK on 6-160m including 60m.
The antennas for the six stations include: 5 band Spiderbeam, AV 640 verticals, HF6V,
4 squares for 40m/30m/20m, verticals and dipoles for 160m/80m/60m. The team appreciates
any donations and the QSL manager EA2CRX confirms QSLs direct or via bureau.
An online log will be published on their website after the expedition ends. You can find
all necessary information about this DXpedition including an EME schedule at:
These are the frequencies TI9K will use (in MHz):
160m 1.815* 1.845 1.838 1.838 * also 1.830 in CW for EU
80m 3.515 3.794 3.590 3.580
40m 7.015 7.089 7.038 7.035
30m 10.110 10.135 10.140 10.140
20m 14.015 14.205 14.080 14.070
17m 18.076 18.155 18.100 18.100
15m 21.015 21.260 21.080 21.080
12m 24.910 24.950 24.920 24.920
10m 28.015 28.495 28.120 28.120
6m 50.100 50.120 50.080 50.080
Операторите DH5FS (Fred) and K9CT (Craig) ще активират работа EME на 2м и 70см амо на рандом.
TI9K ще предава винаги в първия период.
Ще бъде инсталирана и станция на 6 метра (100W + vertical),която ще работи като фар на 50.110.
Не се предвижда работа ЕМЕ на обхвата 6 метра.
TI9K ще участва в DUBUS REF digital contest на 9 - 10 февруари.
TRX: FT897D incl. TCXO
ANT: "DL8YHR special" 10ele for 2m + 27ele for 70cm on the same boom
PA: 2m: 350W 70cm: 120W incl. LNAs
time sync: via GPS
144.100MHz (RX: +/- 1kHz)
Расписание на работата на EME:
Date Time in UTC Band Mode OP Rmks
06-Feb-08 1200-2320 2m JT65b
07-Feb-08 1240-1650 2m JT65b
07-Feb-08 1650-1850 2m CW
07-Feb-08 1850-0020 2m JT65b
08-Feb-08 1340-1440 70cm CW
08-Feb-08 1440-0120 2m JT65b
09-Feb-08 1400-1600 70cm JT65b DUBUS ctest
09-Feb-08 1600-2300 2m JT65b DUBUS ctest
10-Feb-08 0000-0155 70cm JT65b DUBUS ctest
10-Feb-08 1450-1550 70cm JT65b DUBUS ctest
10-Feb-08 1550-0100 2m JT65b DUBUS ctest
11-Feb-08 0100-0300 70cm JT65b
11-Feb-08 1550-1750 2m CW
11-Feb-08 1750-0355 2m JT65b
12-Feb-08 1625-1725 70cm CW
12-Feb-08 1725-0430 2m JT65b
13-Feb-08 1725-0000 2m JT65b
14-Feb-08 0200-0530 70cm JT65b
14-Feb-08 1825-2025 70cm JT65b
14-Feb-08 2025-0000 2m JT65b
Tip/N4SIA (KG4AS via N4SIA) informs OPDX that he and Bill/W4WV (KG4WV via W4WV), Stu/K4MIL
(KG4SS via K4MIL) and Emmett/KD4OS (KG4OS via KD4OS) will be going to GTMO and arriving on
January 29th. They will stay for 2 weeks. The team will be erecting a new Force 12 and a
new windom antenna, plus make some repairs to other equipment. They plan to be on the air
on all bands. They are hoping to have a special event station up on "Marine Hill" with the
callsign KG4DD.
NA-076 FL State North West Group:
Wade,AA8LL, will sign AA8LL/4 from Cedar Key from Feb 2-5. QSL via homecall.
NA-213 Dauphin Island
Ray, K9DUR, will be active as K9DUR/p from Dauphin Island (USI AL-002S, Mobile County,
Alabama), February 11-16th. Activity will be around the usual IOTA frequencies.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.
OC-013 Rarotonga
OC-083 Mauke Richard, AD7AF, ще е QRV kato E51WWA от Южните Кукови острови стартирайки
от 27 януари до 21 февруари.От начало ще е от Rarotonga (OC-013), а след това ще се
прибере на Mauke (OC-083) около 10 февруари. Ще работи на обхватите от 10 до 80 м
само на CW и SSB. QSL via home call.
Yoshi, JJ8DEN, ще е активен с инициал VP6PR от Adamstown, о-в Питкерн (OC-044),до 8 или
9 февруари.Той работи на CW, RTTY и PSK31 (без SSB) с мощност 100 вата и ANT inverted-L
на 160 и 80 м, ground plane на 40 м, дипол на 30 м, и бим 20-10m.
Ориентировъчните работни честоти са:
CW 1821 3503 7003 10103 14003 18071 21003 24893 28003
RTTY 14083 18103 21083 24923 28083
PSK 14071 18101 21071 24921 28071
QSL via home call.
OC-073 Minami-Torishima
Masa, JA6GXK, отново ще е активен като JD1BMM от Minami-Torishima (OC-073) от
31 януари до 19 февруари. Той ще работи през свободното си време, като ще обръща
внимание основно на работа с Европа и Севрна Америка.
George/K8GG, Gary/KD9SV и George/W8UVZ ще са активни като PJ4/KD9SV и PJ4/W8UVZ
от о-в Bonaire (SA-006) до 8 февруари. Повече време ще отделят за работа на обхватите
160, 80, 30, 17 и 12 м. QSL via home call.
--- Goose,PJ2/W8AV will show up in CW and maybe also in RTTY from Feb 4-18. While spending
his holidays there he is also invited to join the team of PJ2T during the ARRL DX CW
Contest (Feb 16/17).
SA-043 Ascension Island
Look for CE6TBN, HA1AG, RA0FU and RV1CC to be QRV as XR7A from Ascension Island,
IOTA SA-043, from February 2 to 6 and then as XR7W from Wager Island, IOTA SA-053,
from February 9 to 12, weather-permitting.Activity will be mostly on 40, 30 and 20m.
QSL via HA1AG.
SA-071 Moela Island
A group of PY2 OMs plans to become QRV as PW2M from Moela Island (one of the most
wanted IOTA groups in SA) from Feb 1-8. QSL via AI4U.
+ SILENT KEY + Alan Wright,9H1AW, passed away tragically at the age of 71:
He fell from his tower while doing some maintenance on his antenna.
Our condolences are with his XYL Maureen,9H1JN.
Radio Amateurs break 241 GHz distance record :
According to a report posted to the UK Microwave reflector, the world DX record for 241 GHz
has been broken by WA1ZMS/4 and W4WWQ/4 with a distance of 114.4 km.
The report says:
Brian, WA1ZMS has claimed what should be a new world DX record of 114.4km for the 241GHz
band. (The former DX record was 79km)
The QSO was between WA1ZMS/4 and W4WWQ/4 using CW.
This QSO was over 2 years in the making with several failed attempts at even shorter
distances during that time period. The key to success was the very driest of winter air
that may only take place one day per year in that part of the country. Oh and a wind chill
factor of -26C at the WA1ZMS point!
The wind chill is said to have made for an interesting experience and as W4WWQ said, it's
amazing how a piece of RG-58 can become like a baton in such conditions.
Two hours into the efforts Brian lost feeling in his right toe from just standing around
and had to resort to putting a chemical hand warmer in his shoe!
QSO Details are:
Date: Jan 21st, 2008
Time: 01:24z
WA1ZMS/4 37-31-00N 79-30-35W FM07fm
W4WWQ/4 36-43-03N 80-19-23W EM96ur
Distance: 114.4km
Temp: -15C Dew Point: -26C
RH: 38% Wind: 32km/h
Wind chill: -26C
Time spent out in the wind: 5 hours
Pressure: 876mb
Atmos Loss: 0.29dB/km
Temp: -11C Dew Point: -22C
RH: 40% Baro: 890mb
Atmos Loss: 0.41dB/km
(story with thanks to vk4oe Doug Friend)
UK Microwave Yahoo Reflector
V8, BRUNEI (Ham Shack Rental Available!)
Ambran, V85SS, announces that he has just built a new DX station called "Tungku Lodge" which
is available for DXpeditions, Contests or just for visiting and Ham Radio operating from
Brunei. It is a bungalow located at the side of Ambran house, and about 10 minutes drive
from the airport and the city. Lodge has a 40 ft. tower with a Mosley TA-53-M, transceivers,
Katsumi keyers, vertical antennas for all bands - 80-10 meters including 30/17/12 meters as
well as a full wave dp for top band. The lodge is self contained, fully air- conditioned
with 3 beds, kitchenette and shower, as well as a covered terrace. Ambran provides self
cooking breakfast and airport transfers. Do look up on the following Web site and contact
Ambran if interested in operating there. Ham liscences can be arranged in advance at an
extra cost. For details, look at: http://www.tungkulodge.blogspot.com/