SLA-300 КВ усилвател
Преглед на обявите от lz1qu
780.00 BGN
SLA-300 REV 1.20250-270W усилвател на всички КВ обхвати.Около 10-15Вт входяща мощност.
Лентови филтри на всеки обхват. SWR защита +автоматично превключване на обхватите.
Не е пригоден за QSK.
Има и 13в /40А захранване което се продава отделно при интерес за 400лв
The SLA 300 is a 260Wmax 12V linear amplifier for use on all HF bands from 1.8 to 30 MHz, with a drive power of 1 – 15W. The SLA 300 features six Low Pass Filters , switched automatically by a microprocessor, or set manually using the front panel control. It also features an LED power meter, 3dB input attenuator and VOX or PTT input RTX control.
Output power indicator
Protected against polarity inversion, over temperature, over input power and high SWR
The SLA-300 is an high-power linear amplifier designed to operate in all modes on all HF ham radio bands (1.8-30 Mhz). In order to significantly reduce the harmonic emissions, it has been equipped with filters (elliptical) with cutting frequencies of 3/4.5/8/15/22/31 Mhz. A microprocessor supervises on all amplificatory functions.
Transistor: 4X SD1446
Frequency: 1.8-30 Mhz
Supply: 13.8V-14.0V
Current absorption: Max 40A
Input power SSB-FM: Max 15W
Fuses: 4 x 16A
Bypass power: Max 100W
Class: AB
Harmonic values (average): -45 dB
➢ Be sure to use an high-quality power supply, able to guarantee a stable
➢ Don't use an input power higher than the max value indicated.