DX QRV > IOTA NEWs > QTC > > >
3B9 Rodrigues
3B8 Mauritius
Look for Slavo, 3B9/SP2JMB, Apr 1st through 8th on Rodrigues (AF-017). Before and after
(through Apr 24th) he will hit the airwaves from Mauritius (AF-049) as 3B8/SP2JMB.
Slavo prefers CW.
Franck, F4DBJ will be QRV as 5R8HT from March 30 to April 15. Activity will be on 80 to
10 meters in his spare time while on holiday. QSL to home call.
Ronnie, SM7DKF, Goran, SM7DLK, Mats, SM7DXQ, Christer, SM7KJH, Tore, SM7MPM, and
Michael, SM7TGA, are announced using the call 6V7I Apr 6th through 12th while with
6W7RV and will hit the airwaves with two stations (with PAs) on 10 through 160 m using
CW and SSB. They will have monobanders on 10, 15 and 20 m and a Titanex Vertical for
the others. SM7DXQ is QSL manager.
Members from the Varazdin Radioclub are QRV as 9A60A until December 2008 in celebration
of the club's 60 years. Activity is on all bands. This includes entries in several
upcoming contests. QSL via 9A7A.
Since Mar 26th Stig, LA7JO, is in Nepal again as 9N7JO and using SSB, CW, PSK31 and
RTTY on 160 through 6 m until Jun 30th.
QSL direct only to his address in Thailand: Stig A. C. Lindblom,
Thatsana Changphimai, 147/1 - Moo 3, Tambon Boot, Ban Ta Bong,
Phimai, TH-30110 Nakhon Ratchashima, Thailand.
Bill, NM7H (YI9WF), intends to return to Katar in early April as A7/G0MKT through middle
of June. Bill prefers CW on 40 through 6 m, using SSB and PSK now and then.
QSL to NM7H direct or via bureau.
Bruno, HB9BEI and Chris, HB9AUZ are QRV as EL8BK and EL8CB, respectively, until
the end of April. They will use CW and digital modes in their spare time.
QSL via operators' instructions.
Sadegh, EP3HF has been active on 15 meters around 0900z and 20 meters around 1530z.
QSL direct.
Joerg, DL1MJF, will stay in Thailand Apr 5th through 24th. This time he will also visit
the island Koh Samui (AS-101) Apr 20th through 24th. Published call is HS0ZGQ. He will
have a TS-50 and G5RV- dipole for 40 through 10 m, using CW and SSB on or near 7.022,
7.062, 14.022, 14.262, 21.022, 21.262, 28.022, 28.562 MHz and on WARC bands.
QSL - via bureau also - to DL1MJF.
KH9/WA2YUN - NEW EQUIPMENT ON WAKE ISLAND - Colin WA2YUN left a comment saying he
will have a 3 element tri-bander in the next 2 weeks. In addition, he hopes to have
an SS KW in the next 2 months. Colin works all bands, 160 -10m.
David, P29GQ, can usually be found on the Pacific ANZA Net on 14183 kHz between 0500-0600z
on the weekends. QSL via P29GQ (QRZ.com).
R1FJT has been very active on 80/40/30/20/17 meters CW. Activity is from the Krenkel
polar station which is situated on Heyss island. This operation is valid for Arctic
challenge program. http://f6kdf.ath.cx/f5nod/arcticchallenge/index.htm
Paul, A35RK, talked to Udo, DL9HCU, who is currently active as 3D2HC in the Fiji Islands
for about another two weeks and was told Udo will be heading to Tuvalu after his Fiji stay.
Orrin, TI6/K9KEJ, will visit the Eastern part of Costa Rica April 4th through 11th and
do QSOs out of the jungle, mostly on 20, 17 and 15 m.
Operators Rick/AI5P (V73PX), Randy/N5LE (V73RY) and Neil/WD8CRT (V73NS) are currently
the most active hams on Kwajalein. However, Rick/V73PX is scheduled to leave April 5th,
Randy/V73RY on May 5th and Neil/V73NS in 2009. Look for Rick on 80/40/20/15/10 meters
CW/SSB. Randy can be found mostly on 40/20 meters SSB /RTTY. Neil is usually on CW
mostly on 40/20 meters. According to Paul, A35RK, who talked to Randy recently and
reported that "there are a number of licensed operators there, but not many are very
interested in using the club station. In fact, Randy says that the club station (V73AS)
may have to shut down due to the increase in the electric utility bill which is now over
200 USDs/month. Negotiations with military command to reduce the bill, are in progress."
Special calls: "Club Radio Amateur de Quebec" (www.craq.qc.ca) will use special call
VC2VQ in Apr 2008 because of 400 years of Quebec City. QSLs via bureau to VE2CQ.
For the same occasion hams in Quebec Province may use special prefix VG2 instead of VA2
as well as VX2 instead of VE2.
Retu, OH4MDY, will be on the air from Sihanoukville Apr 3rd through 14th using the call
XU7MDY on CW, SSB and digimodes on all bands.
QSL direct only to: Reijo Laitinen, Mantytie 13, 76940 Nenonpelto, Finland.
Operators Roger G3SXW, Nigel G3TXF, Fred G4BWP, Lionel G5LP and Rob GM3YTS will be
active as YK9G in Damascus from April 9-15th.The team plans to have two stations +
amplifiers on the air full-time, but CW only.
They will have antennas for nine bands 160-10 meters, but most openings will be on
40-17 meters. They will transmit on frequencies ending in "3" and always listening
split, up 1-2+ kHz.
According to the DX Magazine Survey, YK is the 18th "Most Wanted Country" in W6-7 land,
so they will maximize their brief openings. However, Damascus is partly blocked in
that direction.
QSL via G3TXF direct, bureau, E-mail for bureau reply and LotW.
For more details, visit: http://www.yk9g.com
Bob, K3UL will be QRV as ZF2UL from Grand Cayman, IOTA NA-016, from April 5 to 12.
Activity will be holiday style on all HF bands, with an emphasis on 160 and 80 meters,
using CW and SSB. QSL direct to home call.
Island activities:
AF-001 AGALEGA Island
Rachid, 3B8FQ, has received a license for 3B6, and will activate Agalega Island,
single op, for 48-72 hours, 14-17 April. The callsign will be 3B6FQ.
This will be a working trip. Time will be shared with maintenance duties on the
island, but Rachid will be as active as possible when not on duty.
Operations will primarily be on SSB, with some CW, all bands 80-10M.
After two days transportation by boat, operations are expected to begin around
1830utc on 14/4/08. Equipment will be battery powered at 70W, with simple antennas.
Suggested frequencies & last minute details will be announced prior to departure.
QSL via K5XK.
AF-013 Madagascar Islands
Franck, F4DBJ, will be active as 5R8HT Mar 30th through April 17th on Madagascar.
Activity on the island of Nattes (AF-090) is on his scedule also. QSL via HC.
EU-004 Baleares
David, M0DLL is QRV as EA6/homecall from Minorca, IOTA EU-004, until April 10.
Activity is on 20 to 6 meters using SSB. He plans to be active in the PSK contests.
QSL to home call.
EU-120 Holy Island
Chris, M0DOL, will be active as M0DOL/p and GX4KPT from Lindisfarne Castle on
Holy Island starting April 5th for six days. The CASHOTA reference number will be
given when QSOs take place. QSL via M0DOL.
EU-171 Jylland North Group
Ela, OZ/DL1TM, and Tor, OZ/DJ4MG, will be active from Vendsyssel-Thy
until Apr 10. They will work with two stations in SSB on 160/80/40/20/15m
and in PSK31 on 40m/20m. Antennas they will use will be a spiderbeam, a 160m loop
and a DK9SQ loop. Check also: http://dj4mg.dyndns.org QSLs via homecall.
NA-016 Cayman Island
Look for Bob, K3UL, working from Grand Cayman /ZF2, Apr 5th through 12th on CW and
SSB "holiday style". He prefers 80 and 160 m. QSL direct to K3UL.
Bernhard, DL2GAC will be QRV as H44MS from Honiara, IOTA OC-047, until
April 27.He will also be active from Lighthouse WLOTA LH-0086. QSL DL2GAC.
Rick,AI5P, will be travelling through the South Pacific during March/April 2008.
He confirms QSLs also via the bureau to his homecall.
And this is his travel plan:
OC-028 Rota Apr 7 -Apr 16 AI5P/KH0
The WARD Award is designed to commemorate the World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU on
April 18th each year. It is issued by the MK QTC, Polish Radio Amateur's Journal, with the
support of PZK, Polish Amateur Radio Union. The WARD will be granted for at least the
following numbers of contacts: either 10 QSOs on the HF bands, or either 10 QSOs on the
VHF bands. All contacts must be made between 0000-2400z on April 18th. Send a standard
application form (GCR List - log extract), including the list of QSOs, on or before May 31st
to: The Radio Amateur's Journal MK QTC,Suchacz-Zamek - Wielmozy 5b,82-340 Tolkmicko, Poland.
The price of the WARD Award is 7 USDs, 5IRCs or 5 Euros.
The full colored Award size is: 210 x 297 mm. The WARD Award is also available to SWLs for
the same numbers of reports. The WARD Web page is: http://www.ward.pzk.pl
Amateur Radio Motto: A Foundation for Technical Knowledge
The results of the YO DX Contest 2007 can be found at
http://www.radioamator.ro/contest/us/yodxhf2007/ and participants can check
their logs at http://www.hamradio.ro/default.asp?id=36&mnu=4
HA DX Contest 2008
Dear Contesters,
the preliminary result of the HA-DX 2008 Contest is available on the home page of the
contest at http://www.ha-dx.com
under Results section on the left hand side. You also get it as attachment. Additionaly
we send you your detailedly evaluated log, too.
If you have any question or remark please send it to Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
73,Tibor Finta / HA1AH
ZS8T - Marion Island
The following news has just been received from the ZS8T team
ZS8 Mission Control: the Red Taxi has landed
Good news for the last day of March. Thanks to suitable weather conditions, SA Agulhas (aka
'Red Taxi') reached Marion Island today in the early hours without any difficulties. This
means Petrus ZS8T is now at Marion Island, where this will be his QTH for at least 12 months.
We’d like to remind you that the current research team scheduled for 2008/2009 (including
its leader - Petrus ZS8T) is overloaded with work which has to be completed in the next few
weeks. This is why ZS8T’s activity won’t start earlier than the end of April.
With regards to the above, please keep in mind, especially on April 1st, when false spots
may hit dx-clusters leading to chaos and misunderstandings (as has already happened with
previous Petrus’ activity from Bouvet Isl).
The beginning of ZS8T’s activity will be announced only at ZS8T.net website as a
confirmation you may start chasing one of the most wanted DXCC entities - Marion Island.
*We hope to have the first pictures of Marion Island (from Petrus) as soon as possible.
Amateur Radio on Al Jazeera TV
Amateur Radio will be presented on Al Jazeera TV on Sunday April 6, 2008 @ 9:00am.
The same show will be repeated on Monday the 7th at 6:30am.
Program: Hadeeth Al Sabah
Presenter: Ms. Jilnar Moussa
Producer/Director: Mrs. Ihsan Al-Habbal (Daughter of OD5HP - Amin Al-Habbal)
A special thanks goes out to the Al-Jazeera team for their interest and coverage of
Amateur Radio and especially to Mrs. Habbal who has always been a great promoter.
Please circulate.
73 - OD5TE, Hani
Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) President
The 9X0R operation is now QRT. The multi-national DXpedition team made just under 63k QSOs:
+31k/CW, +26k/SSB and 4.9k/RTTY. The complete breakdown is available on their Web page.
QSL via EA5RM. For more info on the DXpedition, please visit their Web page at:
Nelson, 4S7NE says his local post office does not accept IRCs.To have them redeemed Nelson
has to travel to the General Post Office in Colombo, 50 kilometres away (and the trip
itself costs 3-4 dollars).He likes "green stamps" better than IRCs, also because "a G.S
allows me to buy stamp value twice that of an IRC", he says.
CQ Amateur Radio magazine archive now on-line
CQ Communications, Inc. of Hicksville, New York, publisher of CQ Amateur Radio magazine,
and Buckmaster Publishing of Mineral,Virginia,jointly announce that Buckmaster's searchable
online archive of CQ magazine back issues, dating back to the magazine's first issue in
January 1945, is now complete.
The searchable archive may be accessed via the internet at http://hamcall.net/cq or via a
one-click link from the CQ website at http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com.
All issues through early 2006 are now online, according to Buckmaster President Jack Speer,
N1BIC.By agreement with CQ, issues are not posted until two years after their publication
dates, as paper copies are still available from the CQ bookstore. Newer issues will be
posted as the two-year 'window' expires.
Buckmaster, which produces the 'HamCall' CD and website, and has for decades filmed back
issues of CQ onto microfiche for use by researchers and hobbyists alike, has applied its advanced scanning and searching technology for online posting of documents to back issues of CQ. It has
taken nearly four years to get all back issues scanned and posted.
Pages are available to users as either low-resolution or high-resolution JPEG image files,
or as PDF files, which are more 'printer-friendly' than the JPEGs.
'One of the great benefits to this approach is Buckmaster's very powerful search engine,'
which indexes every word on every page, notes CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA. 'It is far
better than anything we could put onto a CD.' Ross also noted that most readers looking for
back issues are seeking a specific article and don't necessarily want to spend the
money for a set of CDs, 'an amount which can really add up if you want access to nearly 65
years worth of magazines.'
On the HamCall archive site, pricing is based on the length of time for which the user wants
access. Searches are free, as is access to the first ten pages of each issue, assuring that
the table of contents page will always be accessible.
Archive subscription pricing is as follows:
* Searching and access to the first ten pages of each issue: Free
* 1-day "test drive": 5 USDs (same as the cost for ordering a reprint of a single article from CQ)
* 3 months: 20 USDs
* 6 months: 30 USDs
* 12 months: 50 USDs
Views are limited to 300 pages per day to conserve bandwidth on the busy 'HamCall' server.
CQ Communications, Inc. publishes CQ Amateur Radio, CQ RadioAmateur (Spanish CQ), CQ VHF and
Popular Communications magazines,plus the CQ Library of books,videos and CDs.It is headquartered
in Hicksville, New York.
Buckmaster Publishing is a leading archiving and retrieval service based in Mineral, Virginia.
In the amateur radio world, it is best-known for archiving all major ham magazines onto
microfiche, and as the publisher of the 'HamCall' amateur radio international callsign
lookup CD and web site."
For more information, contact:
Dick Ross, K2MGA, Publisher, Jack Speer, N1BIC, President,
CQ Magazine, 516-681-2922, Buckmaster Publishing, 540-894-5777
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Kosovo has been added to the list of countries and
territories recognized for CQ DX awards. Verifications for contacts made on
or after 17 February 2008 are acceptable for CQ DX Award credit. All Kosovo
contacts will count for field KN on applications for the CQ DX Field Award.
"We are aware that the ARRL has not yet added Kosovo to the DXCC list," CQ
magazine Editor Rich Moseson (W2VU) explained. However, since "it is CQ's
policy to grant credit for contacts with 'new' entities as of the date that
their status changes, we have decided not to wait for U.N. action, but to
follow the lead of the United States and other countries that have recognized
Kosovo's independence, and to grant credit for contacts made with stations in
Kosovo as of its independence day, February 17, 2008". For more information,
please contact Richard Moseson, W2VU (Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.).
The Worked All Europe (WAE)
award committee of the Deutsche Amateur Radio Club (DARC) has voted to add
Kosova (Kosovo) to the WAE country list. The CQ World Wide DX Contests and
the CQ DX Marathon both use a combination of the DXCC and WAE lists as the
basis for their country lists. Therefore, Kosova will now be considered a
separate entity for both the CQ DX Marathon (17 February 2008) and for the CQ
WW DX Contests, beginning with the CQWW RTTY DX Contest on 27-28 September
2008. For more information, please contact Richard Moseson, W2VU
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