Испанская экспедиция на Восточный Тимор в рамках проекта "RadioSolidaridad" будет
использовать позывной 4W6R. Операторы будут активны из г. Dili в течение двух недель
в июне. QSL via EA4URE.
Адрес сайта экспедиции http://www.ure.es/hf/eadx/expediciones/4w2008/
Steffen, 5Z4DX will be QRV from Shanzu Beach from May 14to June 11.Activity will be
on all bands and modes.He also plans to possibly activate Wasini Island, IOTA AF 067,
and Lamu Island, IOTA AF 040, on May 25 and 26. QSL direct.
Frans, ON6KN will be QRV as 9A/OO6N from Losinj Island, IOTA EU 136,from May 12 to 24.
Activity is holiday style. QSL to home call.
Torben, OZ1TL, сообщил, что его работа из Бутана теперь планируется на 2-15 мая.
Он будет работать 99% CW под позывным A52TL. QSL via OZ1TL. К Torben'у, возможно,
присоединится Sarath VU3RSB, работающая в основном цифровыми видами .
Josef, ET3JA has been active on 20 meters from 1600 to 1730z and then on 17 meters
around 1200 to 1300z. QSL via OK3AA.
Dieter (DK5PZ), Volker (DL1WH), Peter (DL2RPS) и Rene (DL7WR) будут работать из радиоклуба
Совета Европы (TP2CE) 16-18 мая.
В основном они будут активны на НЧ диапазонах CW, SSB и цифровыми видами. QSL via F5LGF.
Special event station 8J50JARL is QRV until May 25 in celebration of the 50th JARL
annual meeting in Kochi. Activity is on all bands using CW, SSB, FM and AM.
QSL via bureau.
Masa, JA6GXK is QRV as JD1BMM on Marcus Island until May 22.Activity is on 80 to 6 meters.
QSL via bureau.
Nicola, I0SNY is QRV as JT1SNY from Bayankhongor,possibly until May 18.
QSL to home call.
LZ08KM will be QRV during the whole May celebrating the St.Kiril and Methodius Day (May 24).
Kiril and Methodius are considered the inventors of the cyrillic alphabet and May 24th is
an important holiday in Bulgaria. QSLs via LZ1PJ, direct, via bureau or LoTW.
QSLs requests via e-mail are possible via Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
Members of the Radio Club Dobruska are QRV as OL1908D until May 31 in celebration of the
100th anniversary of the railway system to the City of Dobruska.Activity is on all bands
and modes, including V/UHF. QSL via OK1KT.
Members of the Egypt Amateur Radio Assembly will be QRV as SU8AFR in commemoration of
the ITU Telecom Africa 2008 International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Cairo from
May 11 to 15. QSL via SU1KM.
Klaus, DK6AO, will once again be back here signing TI/DK6AO between April 16th and
May 17th. This time he will try to activate IOTA islands groups NA-191 and NA-117.
Activity will be mainly on the weekends. Klaus prefers 20/17 meters. QSL via DK6AO.
Matteo, T77NM has been active using RTTY on 40 meters around 2300z. QSL to home call.
TK7C has been active using RTTY 40 meters around 2350z. QSL via F9IE.
YI9WV is Kitch,WD6V, who is based in Fallujah until Nov 2008. Kitch is using a FT-817
with little power and dipoles. He will soon get another radio with 100 watts and will
work mainly in CW and PSK31 (but also in SSB and RTTY). QSL via NI5DX.
Like announced earlier in DXNL 1563 Petrus Kritzinger,ZS6GCM (ex-3Y0E),is working on
Marion Island (AF-021) for one year since Mar 31. Further information has been released
meanwhile: He should appear on the bands around May 9 when he is not occupied by his
daily work. Petrus got the callsign ZS8T allocated. He wants to build on his experiences
made as 3Y0E, please remember that he is fresh licensed. Petrus got an intensive training
before he left so he should be prepared for the pile-ups now. Expect activities in
SSB/CW/RTTY on 160/80/40/30/20/17/12/10m. Petrus has the possibility to use a good radio
station on Marion Island. He can use an ICOM IC-7000, an AL80 power amplifier,a 5 band
Spiderbeam and a SteppIR vertical.
Petrus has also a website at: http://zs8t.net and latest news can be
obtained at: http://zs8t.net/newsletter
The QSL manager of ZS8T is Emil,LZ3HI.
Island activities:
The latest information says Tom,ZD7X (KC0W), will stay on St. Helena until the end of
June (a little longer than planned). The next stop in his plans is Tristan da Cunha
from where he plans to become active as ZD9X for four to six months.
AF-067,AF040 Hachijo Island,Lamu Island
Steffen, 5Z4DX, will be active from Shanzu Beach between May 14th and June 11th. Activity
will be on all bands and modes. He also plans to possibly activate Hachijo Island (AF-067 -
May 25-26th) and Lamu Island (AF-040). QSL direct to his Iceland address at: Frank Steffen
Gast, Eskifirdi, 735 Eskifjoedur, ICELAND.
AS-043 Hachijo Island
Operators Mitsuo/JA1UNS, Suehiro/JI1PLF, Minowa/7N1GMK, 7L4PVR and 7N4VPS will be active
as homecall/1 from Hachijo Island (JIIA AS-043-003), in the JA1 South Izu Group, from
May 16-19th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL via their home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-048 Belle Isle
Bretagne Region Group Francois,F5JNE/p, will work from Belle Isle (AT-015) from May 8-21.
QSL via homecall.
EU-136 Island Losinj
Frans,ON6KN, will work in "holiday-style" signing 9A/OO6N from May 12-24. QSL via ON6KN.
EU-189 Rockall
Mike K9AJ,is a member of the team travelling to Rockall in two weeks.If weather and seas
allow,he will be active using battery power on 20/40 meters CW on the IOTA frequencies for
+/- 24 hours. The time window is approximately May 14-15th but landing date/time is at
the sole discretion of the captain and could be +/- one or two days.
NA-036 Vancouver Isl.
Some members are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Nanaimo ARA (VE7NA) by
activating VE7NARA on Vancouver Island (CISA BC-001) from May 1-30. QSL via VE7FCO.
OC-121 Malolo Lailai
Eddie DeYoung, VK4AN, и его 13-летний сын Rajiv, VK4FRAJ, будут активны под позывным 3D2A
с о-ва Malolo Lailai (OC-121), Фиджи, 17-31 мая, в том числе в CQ WW WPX CW Contest.
Они планируют работать CW, SSB, RTTY и PSK31 на 160-6 м, используя два трансивера с
усилителями на HF-диапазонах, плюс еще один на 6 м. Рабочие частоты и прочую информацию
см. "3D2A" на www.qrz.com
QSL via VK4AN, direct или через бюро.
Логи будут ежедневно загружаться на адрес http://hosenose.com/logic/logcheck/