Paul, 2E1EUB, will be active again as 2M1EUB from Cairngorms National Park near Aberdeen
(IO87RJ) beginning April 12th for 7 days. Activity will be on all satellites (but mainly
AO7 SSB), 160/80 meters and some other HF SSB. QSL via his home callsign. Also, visit
the (QRZ.com) Web page under 2M1EUB to see a picture of the location and QSL info.
Franck, F4DBJ will be QRV as 5R8HT until April 15. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters
in his spare time while on holiday. QSL to home call.
Witek, SP9MRO, и Marian, SP9CTT, будут активны под позывными 6V7K и 6V7J из Сенегала с
17 апреля по 5 мая.Они будут работать CW,SSB,PSK31 и RTTY на 160-10 м,с упором на 160-30 м.
QSL 6V7K via SP9SX, QSL 6V7J via SP9CTT.
A large team from Algeria plan to operate from Mount Assekrem (Wilaya de Tamanrasset)
starting in the afternoon on April 11th until midday (local times) April 14th.
They will us the special call 7Y3HM from the international weather station, located at
2710 meters above sea level (ASL). Team members include: 7X2RO, 7X2EB, 7X2HF, 7X2CF,
7X2DD, 7X2DF, 7X5JF, 7X5RS, 7X5ST, 7X0AD and 7X0RY.
Activity is expected on CW, SSB and digital on as many bands as possible.The group will
also use this special call on April 15th and 16th from the youth club in Tamanrasset.
QSL via 7X2ARA.
Since Mar 26th Stig, LA7JO, is in Nepal again as 9N7JO and using SSB, CW, PSK31 and
RTTY on 160 through 6 m until Jun 30th.
QSL direct only to his address in Thailand: Stig A. C. Lindblom,
Thatsana Changphimai, 147/1 - Moo 3, Tambon Boot, Ban Ta Bong,
Phimai, TH-30110 Nakhon Ratchashima, Thailand.
Bill, NM7H (YI9WF), intends to return to Katar in early April as A7/G0MKT through middle
of June. Bill prefers CW on 40 through 6 m, using SSB and PSK now and then.
QSL to NM7H direct or via bureau.
John, A92HB has been QRV on 17 meters around 1500 to 1700z. QSL via GM6TVR.
Look for DU9/PA3GZU to be QRV from Mindanao,IOTA OC-130, from April to May 12.Activity
will be on 20 meters using SSB and PSK31, holiday style. QSL to home call.
Bruno, HB9BEI and Chris, HB9AUZ are QRV as EL8BK and EL8CB, respectively, until
the end of April. They will use CW and digital modes in their spare time.
QSL via operators' instructions.
Pooyan, EP3PK has been active on 20 meters around 1400. In addition, EP4HR has been
active on 17 meters around 1330z. QSL via I2MQP.
Специальная станция TM2MP будет активна с 18 апреля по 1 мая по случаю 150-летия со дня
рождения Макса Планка,создателя квантовой теории и нобелевского лауреата по физике (1918).
QSL via F6KTN.
Jurgen, DJ2VO, будет активен позывным FJ/DJ2VO с о-ва Saint Barthelemy (NA-146) с
19 апреля по 8 мая. Он будет работать только CW на 80-10 м. QSL via DJ2VO.
Operators Robert, G8ATE and John, G7HIA will be QRV as GB0CD to celebrate
''Cosmonautics Day'' on April 12th between 0800 to 2200z on satellites AO-7, AO-16,
AO-27, SO-50, AO-51 and VO-52.Other activity make take place during the next four
weeks on HF using SSTV and other digital modes. QSL via operators instructions
== GB1SUN is active since Apr 5 and promotes solar energy in amateur radio until the end
of the year. It goes without saying that GB1SUN is totally powered by solar energy
itself. Mary and Robert Brown (M3XMW and M0JRB) in Ossett/West Yorkshire are working on
HF and VHF.
Martin, G3ZAY and Michael, G7VJR are QRV as GJ3ZAY/p and GJ7VJR/p, respectively, until
April 13. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via G7VJR.
HA STRAIGHT KEY CONTEST The second Hungarian Straight Key Contest (HSKC)will be held
on 13 April from 15 to 17 UTC.Rules can be found at http://www.ha8kux.com/hskc-2008.htm
Специальная станция HL0HQSC будет активна на всех диапазонах всеми видами излучения до
30 апреля в честь полета первой корейской женщины-астронавта - Yi So-yeon (DS3SYL).
Она прибудет на МКС на российском корабле, старт которого запланирован на 8 апреля.
QSL via HL2CFY, direct или через бюро.
Joerg, DL1MJF, will stay in Thailand through April 24th. This time he will also visit
the island Koh Samui (AS-101) Apr 20th through 24th. Published call is HS0ZGQ. He will
have a TS-50 and G5RV- dipole for 40 through 10 m, using CW and SSB on or near 7.022,
7.062, 14.022, 14.262, 21.022, 21.262, 28.022, 28.562 MHz and on WARC bands.
QSL - via bureau also - to DL1MJF.
Jean-Claude,J28JA has been QRV on 15 meters around 1230z and then 20 meters around 1730z.
QSL via F5JFU.
The ocean liner Titanic sank 96 years ago. To remember this event the operators WA0SAP,
W0ERE, KB9YZE and K0ADI will activate the special event station W0S in SSB/CW on HF from
the world's largest Titanic museum in Branson/Missouri on Apr 12/13.
The museum's website can be found at: http://www.titanicbranson.com
Yoshi, JE2EHP reports he will be active as K1HP/KH2 from Guam on 18-21 April.He plans
to operate SSB and CW on all the HF bands and 6 metres.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
Colin,WA2YUN/KH9, will have a 3ele tribander in a few weeks. About two months later he
will get a power amplifier as well. Colin will stay on Wake Island (OC-053) until the
end of 2009. His QSL manager is K2PF.
LN2G will be active during the "Norwegian Hammeeting" from Apr 11-13.Operation will take
place in SSB/PSK31/RTTY on 40m/20m. QSL via LA2G.
Источник: Georgi Vodenicharov LZ1ZF | Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
Завершена работа мемориальной станции LZ130LO (1 января - 31 марта 2008 г.), посвященной
130-летней годовщине освобождения Болгарии. http://qrz.ru/webnews/4802.html
Ее операторами было проведено 32290 QSO.Сейчас идет обработка электронного аппаратного
журнала.Радиолюбители тех 14 стран, которые могут получить юбилейный диплом бесплатно
(http://www.qrz.ru/awards/detail.phtml?id=2407),получат его через бюро даже без
предоставления завки.
Список выписанных дипломов постоянно обновляется: http://www.qrz.com/lz130lo
== Members of the Bulgaria Contest Team will be active as LZ9W during the CQ WW WPX CW
Contest (May 24-25th) as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via LZ9W by the Bureau.
В эфире RK1G и UE3LXG
Источник: RZ3LC | Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
C 00-00 12.04.08 до 24-00 13.04.08 с Родины первого космонавта из г.Гагарин, Смоленской
обл. будут работать специальные радиостанции RK1G (Родина космоавта - 1 Гагарин) и
UE3LXG. QSL через RZ3LC.
Мемориальная радиостанция UE4YCS из музея космонавтики
Источник: Валерий Петров RA4YW | Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
12.04.2008г из Музея Космонавтики расположенноой на родине космонавта-3 Андрияна Г.Николаева
с. Шоршелы Мариинско-Посадского района ЧР (CU-18) будет работать мемориальная р/станция
с позывным сигналом UE4YCS. За радиосвязь с р/станцией выдается диплом "Чувашия космическая",
условия которой приведены на странице http://www.qrz.ru/awards/detail/267.html
В эфире UN12B
Источник: Владимир | Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
12 апреля из Акмолинской области будет работать специальная радиостанция UN12B.Операторы:
Сергей Ковалев (UN7BJ), Николай Матусевич (UN7BS).
Дислокация - место посадки обитаемого модуля космического корабля "Союз -15".
Аппаратура: ICOM -756 PRO 3, FT 897 D. Антенны: GP, Inv.V. Используемые виды излучений:
CW, SSB, BPSK-31, RTTY. Работа специальной радиостанции приурочена к отмечаемому
"Всемирному Дню авиации и космонавтики".
JA1KJW, JA1JQY, JA8VE are QRV as V63JQ, V63JY and V63VE until April 15.Activity is on 160
to 10 meters using CW,SSB and RTTY.QSL V63JY and V63JQ to home calls and V63VE via JF1OCQ.
Special calls: "Club Radio Amateur de Quebec" (www.craq.qc.ca) will use special call
VC2VQ in Apr 2008 because of 400 years of Quebec City. QSLs via bureau to VE2CQ.
For the same occasion hams in Quebec Province may use special prefix VG2 instead of VA2
as well as VX2 instead of VE2.
Wim, ON6NP says he will be active from Cambodia on 9-28 April.He will operate as XU7ADV
on SSB, PSK31 and RTTY.
Roger, G3SXW, Nigel, G3TXF, Fred, G4BWP, Lionel, G5LP and Rob, GM3YTS are QRV as YK9G
from Damascus until April 15. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW with two stations.
For more details, visit: http://www.yk9g.com
Petrus, ZS6GCM reached Marion Island on 31 March and will reamin there for at least
twelve months. Do not expect ZS8T to appear on the amateur radio bands before the
end of April.The actual beginning of his activity will be announced at http://zs8t.net
Island activities:
Rachid, 3B8FQ will be QRV as 3B6FQ from Agalega Island, IOTA AF-001, from April 14 to 17
while on work assignment. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using mostly SSB with some
CW as time permits. QSL via K5XK.
AF-013 Madagascar Islands
Franck, F4DBJ, will be active as 5R8HT through April 17th on Madagascar.
Activity on the island of Nattes (AF-090) is on his scedule also. QSL via HC.
AF-049 Mauritius
Look for Slavo, 3B8/SP2JMB, through Apr 24th .He will hit the airwaves from Mauritius
(AF-049) as 3B8/SP2JMB. Slavo prefers CW.
EU-025 Faraglioni dei Ciclopi Isl
Alfio IT9EJW и Giovanni IT9GAC, будут активны как homecall/p с о-ва Faraglioni dei Ciclopi
(EU-025, IIA CT-003) 13 апреля (или 20 апреля в случае плохой погоды).
См. веб-страницу http://www.mdxc.org/ciclopi QSL via home calls.
Bernhard, DL2GAC will be QRV as H44MS from Honiara, IOTA OC-047, until
April 27.He will also be active from Lighthouse WLOTA LH-0086. QSL DL2GAC.
PA3GZU будет активен позывным DU9/PA3GZU с о-ва Минданао (OC-130) с 12 апреля по 12 мая.
Он будет работать в "отпускном стиле" на 20 м SSB и BPSK31, большей частью в конце
апреля - на первой неделе мая. QSL via home call, предпочтительно через бюро.
On 12-13 April (from 12 UTC to 12 UTC) merchant marine radio officers from several
countries will be active on the HF bands(160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW) to meet
amateur radio operators for the Radio Maritime Day special event. Further information
can be found at http://www.radiomaritimeday.org
Meteor Shower, The Lyrid?s.
Maximum April 22/23. Occasionally, the shower intensifies. Most years in April there are
no more than 5 to 20 meteors per hour during the shower's peak.
More here : http://www.spaceweather.com/meteors/lyrids/lyrids.html
ZD9X Tristan da Cunha (maybe Bouvet 3Y also)
will be departing St. Helena island in late June & travel to my next DX location of Tristan
da Cunha island. My callsign on Tristan will be ZD9X. The Tristan will last 4 - 6 months,
maybe longer. A home has been secured for myself with a backyard measuring one acre. Plenty
of room for antennas as ZD7X.Operating from St. Helena has been rather fun.I will be excited
for a new DX location after all is said & done though. Full story to come out someday!!!
With almost 35,000 QSO’s now, the radio & vertical antenna have been doing a good job.
I DO NOT want to have to break out the spare radios of a Kenwood TS-2000 & a Yaesu 100D if
something should go wrong with my main “good” radio.
Once on Tristan, my plan is to explore a way of getting to Bouvet island & to operate from
there before a TENTATIVE operation to the three islands of South Sandwich, South Orkney &
South Georgia via the Falkland islands.
According to the 100 Most Needed List,(2006) Bouvet is ranked at 8th in the world.It would
be a crying shame to be less than 1400 miles from Bouvet and not to give a 100% effort to
try to put Bouvet on the air. Bouvet is located nearest to Tristan than any other island.
Still no plans of any RTTY/PSK activity as either ZD7X or ZD9X. My MicroHam unit that should
allow Digi operation has not worked since I got here.
Personal interest in the Digi modes is also not that great.
Good DX, Tom ZD7X
6Y JAMAIKA - operators needed!
David, KY1V (6Y1V), reports that after a successful Multi-2 operation during the CQ WW WPX
SSB Contest (March 29-30th) and possibly setting a new North American WPX SSB Record with
30 million claimed points, he is planning another Multi-2 operation for the 2008 CQ WW WPX
CW Contest (May 24-25th). However, he is looking for 2-4 'experienced' CW operators for a
successful M2 operation. He states, "There are no fees to pay for guest operators for this
contest.Simply volunteer,confirm your spot by purchasing a ticket to Montego Bay and come
have a blast operating one of the Caribbean's best contest stations.
Guest operators are welcome to stay at the house for free or share the cost of a rental villa
at a local plush resort such as Tryall Golf and Beach Resort or Round Hill. Also, there is a
very inexpensive seaside resort close by called the Saraha that has rooms for about
70 USDs/night."
If interested, contact David at: Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.
Любимата мачта ("УНЖа") на шейх Абдула-A61AQ и вдигането на антена StepIR Monster на нея:
Клипчето може да се гледа и от тук:
От там също може да се свали и с по-високо качество.
Цялата история на антената и как се е "подпалила" от голямата мощност с която е попрекалил
шейха, може да се прочете тук:
RS3X active on Cosmonautics Day
It's been reported that RS3X will be active on Cosmonautics Day Saturday 12th April.
A report from Robert G8ATE on the AMSAT Bulletin Board indicates that RS3X will active from
11 to 13 April 2008 using FM, SSB and CW on the following Amateur Radio satellites - AO7,
AO16, AO27, AO51, FO29, SO50 and VO52. QSL via RA3XX.
From the United Kingdon, GB0CD will be active on the 12th using AO7, AO16, AO27, SO50, AO51
and VO52.
AMSAT Online Satellite Predictions:http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/tools/predict/
Google Earth Satellite Tracking: http://www.n2yo.com/
Satscape Satellite Tracker: http://www.satscape.co.uk/
AMSAT Bulletin Board AMSAT-BB http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/tools/maillist/maillist.php
AMSAT-UK: http://www.uk.amsat.org/
GB0CD - Cosmonautics Day 12th April
The web site (www.9x0r.com) has been updated with some pictures,
QSL instructions (including the form for bureau cards requests) and more
information. 9X0R was active on 16-27 March and made 62,675 QSOs with 20,328
unique callsigns. The band/mode breakdowns are as follows:
10M 602 1048 0 1650
12M 1754 1673 0 3427
15M 4787 6077 1113 11977
17M 5579 5841 1105 12525
20M 6340 8583 2085 17008
30M 5386 0 686 6072
40M 4767 2057 1 6825
80M 1677 793 0 2470
160M 720 1 0 721
31612 26073 4990 62675
DXCC has completed processing 2007 applications (it may be another 2-3 weeks before
the last 2007 applicants receive their return) and St Barthelemy (DXCC Entity code 516)
has now been added to the DXCC computer system, and Logbook of The World. This moves the
#1 Honor Roll position to 338 current entities making entry level Honor Roll 329. Logbook
of The World is now accepting certificate requests for St Barthelemy, and once those
logs are submitted the matches should occur and applicants can claim DXCC credit.
The National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR) will celebrate its Silver Jubilee in
Hyderabad on 18-20 October.After that event,amateur radio activity from many Indian
locations (including VU4 and VU7) are planned to take place until 3 November. NIAR will
assist foreign amateurs in regard of reciprocal licenses or operation permits for VU4 or
VU7. Further information can be found at http://www.niar.org/sj/index.htm
The latest Topband, Topmode and Toplist listings are now available at
http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html. Please note that QSOs confirmed through
LoTW or included in on-line logs are now eligible for listing. Send send your scores,
as well as any request for further information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.)
CQ NEWS (New 160m Contest Director)
Richard Moseson W2VU,Editor of CQ Amateur Radio,sent the following press release on April 4th:
"Andy Blank, N2NT, Named Director of CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest -- Veteran contester
Andy Blank, N2NT, of Dayton, New Jersey, has been named Director of the CQ World Wide
160-Meter Contest. Andy succeeds Dave Thompson, K4JRB, who has decided to retire after
16 years at the helm of the event. During Dave's tenure, the number of logs submitted more
than tripled.
Andy has been a ham since 1972, a 160-meter operator nearly as long, and a contester for
more than 30 years. He has operated not only from his own station but from various multi-op
stations in the U.S. and the Caribbean. He is a past winner of the CQWW DX Contest,
the ARRL DX Contest and others, and has been a three-time competitor in the World Radiosport
Team Championship (WRTC) competition. Andy says the CQ WW 160-Meter Contest is among his
Andy's plans for the contest are to build on K4JRB's record of success and growth by making
the log-checking procedures consistent with those used in other CQ contests, creating a web
presence for the contest and updating some of the rules. The 2009 rules will appear in the
November 2008 issue of 'CQ' magazine."