DX , IOTA , експедиции , QTC . . .
3V8SS by GMODHZ for a 5 week (until 24.12.2007) holiday-style operation with
activity on 80-10 meters and possibly 160 m,CW and SSB. QSL info on QRZ.com.
Nick, G3RWF, до 30 ноември ще бъде в Уганда и ще е QRV на CW, SSB,
RTTY и PSK с инициал 5X1NH.От 21 до 26 ноември той ще е в КАМПАЛА и
след това ще пътува в западна Уганда и през свободното си време ше
работи като /portable. QSL via home call.
Операторите от Bou-Saada ARC ще са активни с инициал 7W53N
до 30 ноември по случай 53 години от Войната за независимост на Алжир.
QSL via 7X5VRK.
A7/GOMKT by NM7H (aka GOMKT and YI9WF) QRV until 5.jan.2008.Activity will be
primarily CW with some PSK and some SSB on 40-10 meters. He may even be
on 6 meters if the band opens up. QSL via NM7H.
C56JJ by Jan, PA4JJ until 07.12.2007,with 100 watts into wire or
vertical antennas on 10-80 metres. Maybe some activity on 160 and 6.
Look at http://c56jj.pa4jj.nl/ QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
C91KDJ by W5KDJ (TF2WJN, SVOWWW, 3DAOKDJ and A25KDJ),will be QRV 29/11-10/12
mainly CW, possibly RTTY, and he is making 160/80 meters a priority.
He plans to use a 72 ft. vertical with 50 or more radialsunder it.
Visit his Web page at http://www.tdxs.net/c91kdj.html
Dani, EA4ATI has left Senegal and is now stationed in the
Dominican Republic. He is active as HI5/EA4ATI and will
remain there for one year at least. QSL via EA4ATI.
Gerd,DL7VOG, announced his activity from Providencia (NA-049) between
Nov 15 and Dec 1. Listen for HK0GU in CW/RTTY/SSB on 160-10m.
Alan, WQ5W, до 28 ноември ще работи с инциал J75W акивно на 160, 80, 30, 17 и
12 м CW и SSB,а също и RTTY на всички обхвати. - http://wq5w.blogspot.com -
QSL via WQ5W.
Dave, G3TBK, will once again be active from here and will sign J88DR
until November 29th. Activity will be on all HF bands, especially
30/17/12 m,but mostly on CW. QSL via G3TBK.
Rick, K6VVA, ще вземе участие в ARRL 160 Meter Contest,работейки с инициал
KL8C от о-в Revillagigedo (NA-041). Той планира да работи и на други обхвати
с инициал K6VVA/KL7 през деня. QSL via N6AWD.
До 30 ноември 2007 год. LZ1KZA ще работи с инициал LZ195IR.QSO с тази
станция дава 10 точки за дипломата"Преподобни Теодосий Търновски".
http://www.balkanclub.8m.com QSL via LZ1KZA.
P40TA by Ken, K6TA between 27.11.2007 and 18.12.2007
Alan, WQ5W, ще работи с инициал V25W от Антигуа (NA-100) от 30 ноември до
2 декември.Основната му цел е участие в ARRL 160 Meter Contest.
http://wq5w.blogspot.com QSL via WQ5W.
Klaus,V5/DJ4SO, is working from a farm in Matunda (300km north of Windhoek)
until Dec 3. Operation takes place in CW/RTTY/PSK31 and only little SSB .
Operators Larry/K3VX (VP2MVX), Will/K9FO (VP2MFO), Don/K9NR (VP2MNR),
Carl/K9CS (VP2MSC), plus Greg/WR9L and Paul/W2EP will be active from here
until December 3rd. Activity will include entri in ARRL 160 Contests. Activity
outside the contest will be on 160-10 meters, mostly CW but some SSB, RTTY and PSK.
QSL all callsigns via K9CS.
6G1LM and 6F75A due to the Federacion Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores (FMRE)
75-year jubilee. During this year all stations can replace the ordinary prefix
as follows: 6H1 for XE1, 6I2 for XE2, 6J3 for XE3 and 6E4 for XF4 (Revilla Gigedo).
XF4 Revillagigedo
По случай 75 години Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores (FMRE),
ще бъде организирана DX експедиция на о-в Socorro (NA-030), Revillagigedo,
от средата на ноември до средата на декември.Операторите XE1YK, XE2YW,
XE1VVD и XE3RBA ще отплуват от Manzanillo на 16 ноември на военен кораб.
Техните планове са да се появят на 18 или най-късно на 19 ноември с
инициали 6E4LM, XF4YK и XF4YW . Надяват се да работят от там в продължение
на 30 дни , като ще използуват CW, SSB и цифрови видове на охватите от
160 до 10 метра,на 6 метра и на 2 метра satellite. При завръщането си те
евентуално може да спрат на о-в Clarion (NA-115) и да работят на 15, 17
и 20 м за около 3-4 часа. Home page: http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org
QSL - XF4YK via XE1YK, QSL - XF4YW via XE2YW.
Jack, F6BUM, ще работи с инициал XU7BUM от КАМБОДЖА до 2 декември.
Ще е QRV само на през свободното си време. QSL via F6CXJ.
Island activities:
AF-004 Tenerife
Jean, ON5JV, и Georgette, ON6AK, ще работят като EA8/ON5JV и EA8/ON6AK от
Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife (AF-004),от 28 ноември до 26 януари 2008.QRV основно
на 20 и 40 м вечер. QSL via home calls, via buro.
OM2FU and OM2TW will stay on Mauritius (AF-049) until Nov 30.
Listen for them mainly in RTTY and on the lowbands.
-- 3B8/SM6JBC and 3B8/SM6GOR QRV until 15.12.2007 - FQ will be 3514, 3795,
3580.150, 7014, 7055, 7035.150,10114, 10142.150, 14014, 14260, 14070.150,
18074, 18140,18100.150, 21014, 21260, 21070.150, 24914, 24940,24920.150,
28014, 28495 and 28120.150.
Rosel,MD/DL3KWR, and Hardy,MD/DL3KWF, will spend their holidays on
the Isle of Man (EU-116) until Nov 30. They are usually working after
"Tea Time" mainly in CW and the WARC. Hardy plans to work in RTTY and
PSK31 as well.Home page: http://www.mydarc.de/dl3kw
QSLs via their homecalls.
Ray,ND6S, is expected to hit the airwaves as C6AGY from Treasure Cay.
He will stay there until Dec 1. QSL via ND6S.
Operator Dave, KY1V, will be active as 6Y1V from Hopewell (WLOTA LH-0214)
for the ARRL 10 Meters Contest (December 8-9th) as a SO/HP/CW entry.
QSL only to OH3RB.
Andy, N2NT, will be active as V47NT from the QTH of V47KP during the
CQ Wolrd Wide DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry.
QSL via W2RQ.
OC-013 South Cook Islands
George, K5KG, и Ron, KK9K, ще са активни с инициали E51MMM и E51NNN
от о-в Rarotonga (OC-013), Южни Кукови острови, до 1 декември. Те ще
работят предимно CW и помалко на SSB на 160-10 м, като ще обърнат по
голямо внимание на 160 и 80 метра. http://www.e51mmm.blogspot.com/
QSL via K5KG.
Goffredo, I0TWA is going to Hawaii (OC-019) and will be active
holiday style as KH6/I0TWA for four weeks. He is likely to operate
mostly between 6 and 8 UTC. QSL direct to I0MWI.
OC-046 Windward Islands:
F5IRO is momentarily working from Tahiti signing FO5RU until the mid
of January 2008. QSL via F5CQ.
See also: http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm
OC-144 Bangka isl.
Hotang, YC0IEM,ще бъде активен oт о-в Bangka (OC-144) до 5 декември.
Willy,ON5AX, and his XYL Magda,ON3AX, are travelling the South Pacific
Ocean between Oct 17 and Dec 14.They will be QRV in CW/SSB/PSK on 40m/30m/20m.
This is their travelling schedule:
5W0AX Samoa (OC-097) Oct 17-22
KH8/ON5AX US-Samoa Oct 24-29
A35AX Tonga Nov 2-14
ZL/ON5AX New Zealand Nov 16-Dec 14
Andrea, IK1PMR, и Claudia, IZ1GLO/K2LEO, ще пътуват из Южна Америка от
началото на ноември до декември.Те планират да участват в големите
CW/RTTY контести , провеждани в този период.През другото време ще са QRV
на CW/RTTY на WARC и на НЧ обхватите. Ориентировъчният им график е:
10-11 ноември - WAE RTTY: CW2C (multi) или K2LEO/CX & IK1PMR/CX
17-18 ноември - LZ DX: IK1PMR/LU & K2LEO/LU
24-25 ноември - CQWW CW: ZP0R (IK1PMR); ZP6/IZ1GLO (RTTY)
1-2 декември - ARRL 160m: ZP0R (IK1PMR); TARA RTTY: ZP6/IZ1GLO
8-9 декември - ARRL 10m: CW2C (multi) или IK1PMR/CX & K2LEO/CX
Свежа информация може да следите на http://www.ik1pmr.com
Svein, LA6IKA will be touring South America for three months starting
on 10 November. His itinerary will be decided while "en route",
but Svein anticipates he will operate as LU/LA6IKA from
Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) from late November for 2-3 weeks, and as
CE0Z/LA6IKA from Juan Fernandez (SA-005) for one week in late Jan 2008.
He has also obtained a licence for Eastr Island (CE0Y/LA6IKA).
QSL via home call.
DXpedition to Nouakchott, Mauritania
Andreas, DL7ZZ, says that a team of German amateur radio operators are planning
a DXpedition to Nouakchott in Mauritania, between March 16-30th, 2008.
The current team of operators are: Rich DK8YY, Rene DL2JRM, Ralf DL3JJ,
Ingolf DL4JS, Dan DL5SE and Andreas DL7ZZ.
All team members are well-known for their DXpeditions and contesting, and they
would like to provide 5T as a new one to those who need it. Operating location
will be nearby the Atlantic Sea, so there will be enough space for their antenna
systems especially for the low bands. The team is expecting their license very
soon. They plan to have 3 stations on the air; 2 with amplifiers. For operations
on the low bands 2 verticals (V160 and V80) will be errected, and on 40m they
will use 2 phased verticals. For 30-10 meters, they will set up 2 beams, and for
the digital station there will be another ground-plane.They will try to have an
online log available that will be updated daily via I-net or pactor.A Web page
will be updated with all informations about the DXpedition at:
http://www.5t2008.de QSL via DH7WW, by the bureau or direct.
Guinea Bissau DXpedition
The F6KOP Team is planning a DXpedition to Guinea Bissau on Bubaque Island
(AF-020 and WLOTA 1145) between January 11-21st (2008). Their callsign will
be J5C.This is the same group that was active as XT2C from Burkina Faso.
They hope to be able to use all their skills and experiences gained from
the past XT2C operation as well as being active on as many bands as possible
simultaneously. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, but the team will focus
on the lower bands 160-40m). There will be no 6 meters because this band
is not allowed in J5-land.Modes will be mainly CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63
and MFSK16.As usual, they will try to make contacts on SSTV at the end of
the DXpedition. Among their goals is to accomplish the first ever QSO between
Japan (JA) and Guinea Bissau (J5) on 160m. The group will also dedicate
this J5C DXpedition in memory of their beloved friend Gilles Simeon, F5PVF,
past President of F6KOP ARC, who became a Silent Key in September 2007.
The J5C team consists of: Frank F4AJQ (Team leader), Gerard F2JD, Gerard F2VX,
Pascal F5JSD, Mathieu F5PED, Frank F5TVG, John F5VHQ, Serge F6AML, Jean-Paul F8BJI,
Romain F8BUI, Benoit F8PDR, Michel FM5CD, Bernard F9IE, Dieter OE8KDK, Bill N2WB
and Bob N6OX. The QSL route are via Franck, F5TVG (address correct in all of
the major International and French Callbooks).
The "F6KOP TEAM" is looking for sponsors and donations for this DXpedition.
More details about this operation is available on the J5C Web site at: http://www.j5c.eu
Clipperton Island DXpedition
The following is a press release from Jay, K4ZLE: "Clipperton 2008
-- This press release formally announces the 2008 DXpedition to Clipperton Island.
The DXpedition will be led by N6OX with N7CQQ and K4SV as the management team.
"The goal is to make 100,000+ contacts, including working as many European,
Mediterranean and African stations where Clipperton is high on the most wanted list.
" Departure date is February 28, 2008, arriving on Clipperton on March 4+-.
The team plans to operate 12 to 14 days, depending on conditions, using the call TX5C.
"Currently Clipperton is ranked 35th on the most needed countries list worldwide.
The team of 22 or so amateur operators look forward to meeting or exceeding
the performance expectations of modern DXpeditions.In addition to the ham activities,
there will be a series of scientific studies done by the team.
*Clipperton Island (French: Ile de Clipperton and as the real French name Ile de la Passion)
is a nine-square-kilometer coral atoll in the North Pacific Ocean, southwest of Mexico
and west of Costa Rica, at 10°18?N, 109°13?W. It has no permanent inhabitants.
It is an overseas possession of France administered by the Minister of Overseas France.
*More information about this expedition, including details of the scientific studies,
ways you can help support this expedition financially, bios on the operators, a sponsor
list and history of this DXCC entity can be found at the team's web site:
While checking out the web site, be sure to visit the TX5C STORE."
New release of MULTIPSK
Patrick Lindecker F6CTE has made available the latest version of his popular data
mode software MULTIPSK 4.5 He writes:
The new release of MULTIPSK (4.5), CLOCK (1.7.6) and MULTIDEM (2.1.1) are in my Web
site http://f6cte.free.fr/
The main mirror site is Earl's, N8KBR: http://multipsk.eqth.info/index.html
(click on"United States").Another mirror site is Terry's: http://www.hamshack.co.uk/
Multispk associated to Clock are freeware programs but with functions submitted to
a licence (by user key).
CLOCK 1.7.6 has now a possibility to directly interface a SdR receiver through the
sound card.
MULTIDEM 2.1.1 fixes bugs.
The main modifications of MULTIPSK 4.5 are the following:
1) Decoding/coding of the DTMF (Dual-tone multi-frequency) mode.
This mode is used for telephone (to dial the phone number) but also in VHF and UHF
for different uses as, for example, activation of repeaters by radio. It could be
used in HF, for radio control of ham radio equipment.
Functions of DTMF handling on reception are available for licenced copies only.
See specifications further on.
2) New ALE400 mode (ALE in a 400 Hz bandwidth)
This ALE system has exactly the same functions as the ones of the "141A" of
Multipsk except that:
• the bandwidth is 400 Hz instead of 2000 Hz as in standard ALE (so ALE400 can be
transmitted anywhere where 500 Hz digital modes are authorized),
• the modulation speed is 50 bauds instead of 125 bauds and consequently the text
throughput are 2.5 slower,
• no fix frequency (as in MFSK16...), the automatic tuning being able to be done
thanks to the RS/ID transmission,
• the signal to noise ratio is 5 dB better:
- 9 dB for sounding, AMD messages and Unproto mode,
- 11.5 dB (- 13.5 dB with many repetitions) for ARQ FAE.
For ARQ FAE, it has been added a compression system using a modified IZ8BLY (Nino)
MFSK Varicode. So the ALE400 text throughput is typically 60 wpm (up to 107 wpm in
bilateral and 63 characters frames). ARQ FAE covers all ASCII and ANSI characters
(8 bits)
There is a Word document which goal is to show from Multipsk snapshots how to do
the basic operations in ALE and ALE400. This document (1.1 Mo) is available from my
site http://f6cte.free.fr/ALE_and_ALE400_easy_with_Multipsk.doc
Look also at http://hflink.com/ale400/ which is a specific page for ALE400, with a
lot of information.
ALE400 frequencies: 1837.0, 3589.0, 7037.5, 10141.5, 14074.0, 14094.0, 18104.5,
21094.0, 24926.0, 28146.0, 50162.5, 144162.5 (AF at 1625 Hz).
3) Direct SdR interface through the sound card
It is the best way to do as there is no additional transmission delay. It allows
the working in all digital modes. The modulation and demodulation operations of
the I/Q signals coming from the sound card are directly done by Multipsk (which
plays the role of a SdR program).
The bandwidth considered is the USB side, in base band. So there is neither
frequency shift nor consideration of the LSB side. After selection, the working is
transparent for the user.
4) Rewind function
This function makes you able to decode the signal from a point in time located
before you click on the waterfall. It is permitted to select a rewind duration
from 5 seconds to 3 minutes (from 20 seconds to 3 minutes for only the licenced
copies). Powerful computers can take profit of this function, decoding of the
rewind period being quick.
For information, for all the Multipsk exotic modes (PSKFEC31, PSK10, PSKAM, PSK63F,
Packet 110 bauds...), I propose the QRP frequency: 14075 KHz USB (AF around 1000 Hz),
at 17h00 UTC.
73 Patrick Lindecker F6CTE