DX , IOTA , експедиции ...


       Специалният инициал 4U1WRC ще се използва от радиоклубът на ITU (4U1ITU),послучай провеждането на WARC-2007 от
       22 октомври до 16 ноември.

       Операторите от Bou-Saada ARC ще са активни с инициал 7W53N до 30 ноември по случай 53 години от Войната за
       независимост на Алжир.                                                                             QSL via 7X5VRK.

9G  GHANA   
       Alan, G3XAQ will be active as  9G5XA from Ghana on 12-26  November.He will operate CW  only and will  participate
       in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as a SOSB entry,probably on 15 metres. He plans to concentrate on 30 and 17 metres
       outside the contest.                                                                                 QSL via G3SWH.

       Kenny, K2KW will operate as C6ATA  from Bahamas on 18-26  November.He will concentrate on 160-30 metres and will
       participate in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest on 40  metres (low power).                                  QSL via WA4WTG.

       Wayne, W5KDJ, will be going back to Africa in November. He will be active as C91KDJ, November 15-28th. Wayne
       will concentrate on CW and possibly some RTTY. His plans are to be active in the CQWW DX CW Contest.
       His QTH will be about 50 kilometers north of Maputo. Grid Square: KG64ik. Antennas include a 72 foot vertical
       for 160/80m, 4 Square 40m, dipole for 30m, and a 2 & 3 element yagis at 60 ft for 20-10m.           QSL via W5KDJ.
       Visit Wayne's Web page at:  www.tdxs.net/c91kdj.html

     Members of the Hungarian Traveling Amateur Radio Team, HA0HW, HA4DX and HA4XG, will be QRV as HB0/homecalls from
     Masescha until November 14. Activity will be on all HF bands, with an emphasis on 160 and 80 meters, and possibly
     2 meters, using CW, SSB and some digital modes.                                                    QSL to home calls.

     Dani, EA4ATI has left Senegal and is now stationed in the Dominican Republic. He is active as HI5/EA4ATI and will
     remain there for  one year at least.                                                                  QSL via EA4ATI.

     COTA (Carabinieri on the Air) members  will be active from  HV5PUL,the amateur  radio station  at  the Pontifical
     Lateran  University (Vatican City), on 19-21  November. Expect them  to operate on  all modes and bands, 6 metres
     included. This activity celebrates  Saint Mary "Virgo Fidelis", patron saint of the Carabinieri, the  Italian
     military police.

     Ahmed, HZ1AN, from Jeddah, can sometimes be found on CW on 40/20/15 meters usually between 1230 and 1600z.
     He can also be heard sometimes on the Arabian Net on 14252 kHz after 0700z.                           QSL via DJ9ZB.

     Operators DL5HAQ, DK6HA and DL3HBZ are QRV as J75/DK0RZ until November 17.                             QSL via DK0RZ.

     До 30 ноември 2007 год. LZ1KZA ще работи с инициал LZ195IR.QSO с тази станция дава 10 точки за дипломата
     "Преподобни Теодосий Търновски".                              Подрбности четете на :  http://www.balkanclub.8m.com

     The clubstation PI4NAF will use the special callsign PA20NARAS on HF and VHF celebrating the 20th anniversary of
       the "Airforce Radio  Amateur Society" (NAFRAS) until Nov 19.                                         QSL via PA1TT.

      Stig, LA7JO (aka  9N7JO and HS0ZGD)  reports he will  be active  as S21JO from  Bangladesh  on 14-25  November,
      CQ WW  DX  CW  Contest included.                                                               QSL direct to HS0ZGD.

      Operators Andy/UA3AB and Harry/RA3AUU will be active as S79AB and S79UU, November 19-28th. Activity will be on
      160-10 meters and include the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest.Outside of the contest, low bands is their priority.
                                                                                                            QSL via UA3DX.

      From Nov 10-18 the local ITU section helds a conference in Cairo discussing how amateur radio may help handicapped
      people. During this time Mustapha,DL1BDF, will activate the station SU0ARA.

      Operator Osamu, JR8VSE, will be active as T88SE between November 18-21st.
      Activity will be on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.                                                 QSL via JR8VSE.

      Members of the Association Des Radio-Amateurs Ivoiriens (ARAI) will activate the callsign TU0PAX on November 15th
      during their yearly Ivorian Peace Fest. Activity is to celebrate the "Peace Day Commemorative in Cote d'Ivoire
      (Ivory Coast)." Look for operations on all HF bands, SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31.
                                                                                                    QSL TU0PAX via TU2CI:
                                                             ARAI, P.O.Box 2946, Abidjan 01, Cote d' Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
      Operators Ronald/PA3EWP, Flo/F5CWU and Tom/GM4FDM are planning a DXpedition to here between November 4-18th.
      Callsigns are as follows:
                               PA3EWP  as    V8FWP       QSL via PA7FM
                               F5CWU   as    V8FWU      QSL via F5CWU
                               GM4FDM  as    V8FDM       QSL via GM4FDM
      Activity will be on all bands from 160-10 meters, conditions permitting. Modes of operations will be on CW, SSB
      and RTTY. Special attention will be given to the lower bands (160-30m). Also, special attention will be given to
      Western Europe and the USA. They plan to use at least one beam antenna along with verticals and dipoles.
      All operators have plenty of experience during DXpedition operation. Depending on InterNet availability,
      they shall try to maintain online logs at a Web site yet to be established. The Web master will be Dennis, PA7FM, 
      Alan,  VK0LD  (VK6CQ)  is  going  back   to  Patriot  Hills   Base, Antarctica, but this  time for  a short  stay
      (7-10  days). In  his limited spare time he will be active as VP8PJ (mostly CW on 40,  30 and 20 metres).
                                                                                                           QSL via DL5EBE.

XF4  Revillagigedo 
     По случай 75 години Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores (FMRE), ще бъде организирана DX експедиция на
     о-в Socorro (NA-030), Revillagigedo,от средата на ноември до средата на декември.Операторите XE1YK, XE2YW, XE1VVD и
     XE3RBA ще отплуват от Manzanillo на 16 ноември на военен кораб.Техните планове са да се появят на 18 или най-късно на
     19 ноември с инициали 6E4LM, XF4YK и XF4YW . Надяват се да работят от там в продулженое на 30 дни , като ще използуват
     CW, SSB и цифрови видове  на охватите от 160 до 10 метра,на 6 метра и на 2 метра satellite. При завръщането си те
     евентуално може да спрат на о-в Clarion (NA-115) и да работят  на 15, 17 и 20 м за около 3-4 часа.
     Home page: http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org                                     QSL - XF4YK via XE1YK, QSL - XF4YW via XE2YW. 
Island activities:

     Slavo,EA8/SP2JMB, is working in CW/SSB on 80-10m until Nov 12.                                      QSL via SP2JMB.

AF-016  Reunion Island 
        Pekka, OH2YY, ще е QRV с инициал FR/OH2YY от о-в Реюнион (AF-016) от 12 до 15 ноември и 3B8/OH2YY от о-в Мавриций
        (AF-049) от 16 до 22 ноември. Той планира да работи на SSB на 40-10 м мощност 100 вата и вертикални антени/диполи.
                                                                                    QSL via home call, direct or via buro.
AF-049  Mauritius Island 
        As a member of the SK7DX Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs (SSRA) and the Lake Wettern DX Group (LWDXG) I will
        activate Mauritius Island Nov. 8th to Nov. 24th 2007. Operator will be SM7DKF / Ronnie: Look for my call
        3B8/SM7DKF to be active on the usual IOTA frequencies mostly SSB and perhaps also digital mode.
        Home page: http://www.sm7dkf.se .                                                              QSL via home call.
       Rosel,MD/DL3KWR, and Hardy,MD/DL3KWF, will spend their holidays on the Isle of Man (EU-116) from Nov 17-30.
       They are usually working after "Tea Time" mainly in CW (also WWDX CW Contest) and the WARC bands. Hardy plans to
       work in RTTY and PSK31 as well. Home page: http://www.mydarc.de/dl3kw                     QSLs via their homecalls.
EU-171  Vendsyssel isl.    
       Klaus, DK9LO, ще работи с инициал OZ/DK9LO от о-в Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland (EU-171)  до 16 ноември.
                                                                                                        QSL via home call.
NA-058  St. Simons Island   
       Look for Rick, N8OIL/4 to be active from St. Simons Island (NA-058) on 11-23  November. 
                                                                                  QSL via  home  call, direct  or  bureau. 

NA-022 Anguilla isl.
       Andy, DL5CW, и Marina, DM5YL, ще бъдат QRV от Anguilla isl.(NA-022)  до 26 ноември, като смятат да вземат
       участие и в  CQ WW DX CW Contest.Предполагат да използват инициалите VP2EDL и VP2EDM , като ще работят  основно на
       CW (Andy) и на RTTY/PSK31 (Marina) на всички  HF обхвати.                                        QSL via home calls.

NA-101 Dominica    
       Harald/DL5HAQ, Manfred/DK6HA и Siegfried/DL3HBZ ще са QRV с инициал J75/DK0RZ до 17 ноември.          QSL via DK0RZ.

      Operators Jorn/DG5XJ, Bernd/DH1ND and Jurgen/DJ5HD will be active as PJ7/homecalls from Sint Maarten (NA-105),
      November 15-28th. They will also be active as FS/homecall from St. Martin (NA-105, WLOTA LH-0383).
      Their activity will be on all bands and modes.                 QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.
      More info is available at: http://www.dg5xj.de/dg5xjpj7.htm
NA-106 KP2   
       Ann, KP2YL, и Brian, KP2HC,ще посетят St Croix,Американски Виржински острови, от 15 до 23 ноември.По време на своят
       престой там те ще са активни на ктси вълни на SSB и CW. Brian ще наблюдава 6 метровия обхват и при наличие на
       прохождение ще е QRV и на този обхват.                                               QSL KP2YL и KP2HC only direct.
NA-213 Dauphin isl.    
       Dennis, WA2USA,ще е QRV като WA2USA/4 от о-в Dauphin (NA-213) от 14 до 21 ноември.Ще работи SSB и CW на 80-10 м.
                                                                                                   QSL direct or via buro.

       Bernd, VK2IA and Jan, DJ8NK will  be active as  VK9AA and  VK9CCC from Cocos-Keeling  (OC-003) on 18-26  November.
       Plans are to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-160  metres. Look  for VK9AA to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest.
                                                                                                     QSL VK9AA  via DL8YR,
                                                                                                     QSL VK9CCC via DJ8NK.
OC-013  South Cook Islands
        George, K5KG, и Ron, KK9K, ще са активни с инициали E51MMM и E51NNN от о-в Rarotonga (OC-013), Южни Кукови острови,
        от 12 ноември до 1 декември. Те ще работят предимно CW и помалко на SSB на 160-10 м, като ще обърнат по голямо
        внимание на 160 и 80 метра. В CQ WW DX CW Contest ще работят с инициал E51MMM - Multi/2 category.
        http://www.e51mmm.blogspot.com/                                                                     QSL  via K5KG.

OC-019  HAWAII    
        Goffredo, I0TWA  is going  to Hawaii  (OC-019) and  will be  active holiday style as KH6/I0TWA for four weeks.
        He is likely to  operate mostly between 6 and 8 UTC.                                          QSL direct to I0MWI.

OC-046, FO, Windward Islands:
        F5IRO is momentarily working from Tahiti signing FO5RU until the mid of January 2008.                QSL via F5CQ.
        See also: http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm

OC-088 Kota  Kinabalu,  Sabah    
       Gerben, PG5M will  be active  either as  9M2/PG5M/6 or  with a  9M6 callsign of  his  own from  Kota  Kinabalu,
       Sabah  (OC-088),  East Malaysia on 15-18 November. He  plans to operate  CW only on  10-40 metres with a beam
       for 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters, and a G5RV for the other bands.
       http://www.dx.to                                                                 QSL  via PG5M,  direct or  bureau.
       Ulli, DL2AH, ще бъде активен oт о-в Norfolk с инициал VK9ANH до 14 ноември.                       QSL to home call.

OC-144  Bangka isl.   
      Hotang, YC0IEM,ще бъде активен oт о-в Bangka (OC-144) от 18 ноября до 5 декември.                    QSL via IZ8CCW. 

       Willy,ON5AX, and his XYL Magda,ON3AX, are travelling the South Pacific Ocean between Oct 17 and Dec 14.
       They will be QRV in CW/SSB/PSK on 40m/30m/20m. 
       This is their travelling schedule:
       5W0AX       Samoa (OC-097) Oct 17-22
       KH8/ON5AX   US-Samoa       Oct 24-29
       A35AX       Tonga          Nov 2-14
       ZL/ON5AX    New Zealand     Nov 16-Dec 14
        Andrea, IK1PMR, и Claudia, IZ1GLO/K2LEO, ще пътуват из Южна Америка от началото на ноември до декември.Те планират
        да участват в големите CW/RTTY контести , провеждани в този период.През другото време ще са QRV на CW/RTTY на WARC
        и на НЧ обхватите. Ориентировъчният им график е:
                           10-11 ноември - WAE RTTY: CW2C (multi) или K2LEO/CX & IK1PMR/CX
                           17-18 ноември - LZ DX:     IK1PMR/LU & K2LEO/LU 
                           24-25 ноември - CQWW CW:   ZP0R (IK1PMR);  ZP6/IZ1GLO (RTTY)
                            1-2 декември - ARRL 160m: ZP0R (IK1PMR);  TARA RTTY: ZP6/IZ1GLO
                            8-9 декември - ARRL 10m:  CW2C (multi) или IK1PMR/CX & K2LEO/CX
        Свежа информация може да следите на http://www.ik1pmr.com

        Svein, LA6IKA will be touring South America for three months starting  on 10  November. His  itinerary will  be
        decided  while  "en route", but Svein anticipates he  will operate as  LU/LA6IKA from Tierra  del Fuego (SA-008)
        from late November for 2-3 weeks, and as CE0Z/LA6IKA from Juan Fernandez (SA-005) for one week in late Jan 2008.
        He has also obtained  a licence for Eastr Island (CE0Y/LA6IKA).                                QSL via home call.

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