Излезе Бюлетин N-1 за предстоящото Европейско първенство по радиозасичане през 2011 г., чийто домакин ще бъде Румъния.

Сайта на състезанието: http://www.ardf2011.com/



(December 2010)

18th IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships
5-10 September 2011
Baile Felix, Romania

Romanian Amateur Radio Federation (Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism – F.R.R.), ARDF Section is pleased to invite ARDF teams, individual competitors, visitors from IARU Region 1 as well as guests from all over the world to the 18thIARU Region 1 ARDF Championships to be held in Romania in September 2011.
F.R.R. is proud to host the event in a jubilee year marking 50 years since the first IARU ARDF European Championships (1961-2011) and the 1st IARU Region 1 Sprint ARDF Championships.

Baile Felix is a thermal spa resort near the commune of Sanmartin in Bihor County, Transylvania, Romania. The resort is the best known and most quality thermal spa in the country. Thermal water temperature is between 20-49 degrees Celsius.

Baile Felix is located in a hilly area covered with oak tree woods, 8 km south of the municipality of Oradea (seat of Bihor County) and 22 km south-east of Bors (border checkpoint to Hungary).

The main tourist attraction in the Bihor County are:
- the city of Oradea
- the Stana de Vale resort
- the Caves around Padis and on the Sighistel River Valley
- the Bear’s Cave
- the lake with water lilies

Adress: Mediesu Aurit 762, 447185, Satu Mare, Romania
Telephone: +40-722-511529
Fax: +40-361-819683
E-mail: // ' ); document.write( addy23703 ); document.write( 'Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. // , // ' ); document.write( addy57249 ); document.write( 'Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. //
Website: www.ardf2011.com

Transportation to the venue:
Some of the teams travel, as tradition, by their own bus/cars. The rest may select their final destination amongst Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, or Budapest (Hungary) International Airport. Budapest, Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca International Airports are located relatively away from the venue (247 km, 169 km and 144 km) but the organizers will provide transfers to the venue and back upon request.

The accommodation will be organized in a hotel located inside the Baile Felix thermal spa resort. Double rooms with WC, bath, and TV are provided.

The weather in this period of the year is stable, sunny, with daily temperatures (both air and water) 22-23 degrees Celsius ideal for vacation and swimming.

The terrains are located within 50 km range. They are mid-difficult, with small hills, covered with forest. The maps (IOF standard) will be made in early 2011.

Visa requirement:
The citizens of majority countries expected to take part in the Championships do no need visa to enter Romania. Those societies that need visa will be informed accordingly after receiving their Letter of Intent.

Program of the Championships:

  • 5 September, Monday – Arrival, accommodation;
  • 6 September, Tuesday – Training on 80m and 2m bands and Sprint training, competition blinds, official opening;
  • 7 September, Wednesday – First competition, awarding;
  • 8 September, Thursday – Sprint competition*, awarding**;
  • 9 September, Friday – Second competition, awarding, closing ceremony and banquet;
  • 10 September, Saturday – Departure.

*will be only individual ranking;
**medals and certificates;

Entry fee and terms of payment:
There are two options depending on the status of the participants, needs of accommodation/full board, and date of payment as follows:

  1. Total package for competitors and Team officials: Euro 290 if paid till 30 June or Euro 320 if paid after 30 June, includes accommodation (all inclusive), transportation to the start and from the finish, maps, and banquet;
  2. Total package for guests/visitors (out of participants and Team officials): Euro 250 if paid till 30 June or Euro 280 if paid after 30 June, includes accommodation (all inclusive), transportation to the start and from the finish, and banquet.

The price to Baile Felix and back per person is as follows:
From Cluj-Napoca International Airport and back: 40Euro;
From Timisoara International Airport and back: 40Euro;
(preferably) From Budapest (Hungary) International Airport and back: 50Euro;

Additional opportunities:
A training camp will be organized during the week prior the Championships with trainings on 80m and 2m bands and Sprint training. Details will be published in Bulletin No 2.

Important notes:

  1. Please find enclosed a LETTER OF INTENT. It must be fulfilled and sent back to reach the organisers at least on 31 March 2011.
  2. All the additional information and next Bulletins will be distributed only to societies that have responded and only to the contact person regarding the Championships. The information will also be available on the website of the Championships www.ardf2011.com.


Szabolcs Olah,
Organizing Committee Chairman

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