На 29.0 - 30.09.2007 - CQWW RTTY и CQIR - CW,SSB
САЩ - списание CQ Amateur Radio
Започва на: 29 септември 2007 год. в 00:00 UTC
Завършва на: 30 септември 2007 год. в 24:00 UTC
На участиците е разрешено да използват целия 48 часов период на състезанието.
Вид на работа: RTTY
Обхвати: 80 м, 40 м, 20 м, 15 м, 10 м
1. SO.
(a) High Power
(b) Low Power - до 150 вата
(c) Assisted - (only ALL band).Разрешено е пасивно ползване на DX spotting nets.
(d) Single Band - Разрешава се работа и на други обхвати, но само за check log
2. MO - only ALL band
(a) One Tx - Не повее от 6 смени на обхвата за един час (от 0 до 59 минути).
Изключение- ако направеното QSO дава нов множител.
Нарушението на правилото за "6 смени"за един час Ви прехвърля в Multi-Multi.
разделение по мощности - Low Power (до 150 вата)
- High Power (повече от 150 вата)
(b) Two TX - Разрешава се излъчване едновременно на два сигнала,но на различни
обхвати и всеки Тх спазва ограничението за "6 смени" за календарен час.
Нарушението на правилото за "6 смени"за един час Ви прехвърля в Multi-Multi.
няма разделение по мощности
(c) Multi-Multi Няма ограничение за броя на предавателите,но само един сигнал на
диапазон в даден момент.
USA RST + state + CQ zone
Canada RST + province + CQ zone
DX RST + CQ zone
LZ - 1 точка
EU - 2 точки
DX - 3 точки
На всеки обхват по една точка за множител дават:
- state USA (48),
- province Canada (14),
- страните по DXCC/WAE,
- зоните по CQ (40).
1. KL7 и KH6 се зачитат само като страни по DXCC,но не за щати.
2. Провинциите итериториите на Канада: NB (VE1, 9), NS (VE1), QC (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4),
SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC (VE7), NT (VE8), NF (VO1), LB (VO2), NU (VYO), YT (VY1), PEI (VY2).
Произведението на общото поличество точки за радиовръзки на всички обхвати и сумата на
С дипломи ще бъдат наградени първенците от всяка категория за съответната страна.
За да получи диплома участиците от категория SO трябва да са отработили поне 12 часа в
състезанието, а тези от категория МО - 24 часа.
Приемат се само в формат CABRILLO.
На Е-мейла в графа Subject: напишете вашия инициал и категорията в която участвате.
Например: LZ1ZC SOABL
E-mail: rtty@cqww.com
31 октомври 2007 год.
Участието на LZ в
CQ-WW-DX-Contest RTTY 2006
Call QSOs Pts Zone DXCC US/VE Final
Single OP High Power All Band
1 ER4DX 2626 6176 106 318 115 3328864
2 K3MM 2402 5424 101 280 192 3107952
3 SN7Q 2181 5361 94 274 131 2675139
239 LZ2PG 55 156 35 46 5 13416
Single OP Low Power All Band
1 ZX2B 1857 5508 98 253 175 2897208
2 P40KM 1777 5279 69 168 172 2159111
3 CN8KD 1540 4606 69 197 126 1805552
12 LZ9R 1030 2338 75 212 67 827652
174 LZ5XQ 371 799 43 135 0 142222
Single OP Assisted
1 IK4MGP 2050 5082 117 348 1443094;938
2 LZ8A 2170 5024 104 335 105 2733056
3 F5CWU 2042 4795 92 273 128 2363935
95 LZ2UZ 291 646 42 104 8 99484
Single OP Single Band
1 CT3EN 1111 3313 31 96 47 576462
52 LZ1MC 14 39 9 13 0 858
1 9A5W 1672 4255 36 114 54 868020
99 LZ2CE 227 511 17 50 10 39347
1 S57AW 1307 3134 35 102 46 573522
50 LZ2ZG 238 509 14 53 8 38175
CQIR - Ireland Calling Contest Rules
In 2007 the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS) celebrates the 75th anniversary
of its founding in 1932. As part of the jubilee celebrations the Society is organising
an International Radio Contest, "CQIR - Ireland Calling".
CQIR is a once-off event, with a difference - overseas entrants with 75 or more QSOs have
the opportunity to win a trip to Ireland.
In these rules, references to Ireland mean the island of Ireland and its offshore islands.
1 Object:
1.1 CQIR celebrates the IRTS Jubilee and the "Irish" amateur-radio community worldwide.
It's where the Irish, at home and abroad, work the World - and where those of Irish
descent identify themselves by including their ancestral county in the exchange,
for example: County Cork, County Antrim etc.
1.2 This is an "everyone works everyone" event on the five contest bands from 10 to 80 metres.
2 Date and Contest Period:
2.1 From 12:00 UTC Saturday 29th September 2007 to 12:00 UTC Sunday 30th September 2007.
Note: The contest finishes (is over) at 12:00:00 on the Sunday.
3 Entry Categories:
3.1 Irish
Single-Op All-Band CW
Single-Op All-Band SSB
Single-Op All-Band Mixed (CW/SSB)
3.2 World
Single-Op All-Band CW
Single-Op All-Band SSB
Single-Op All-Band Mixed (CW/SSB)
3.3 Entrants are "Irish" if:
- they operate from Ireland, or
- they were born in Ireland, or have a direct ancestral link to Ireland - with no time
limit. Anyone whose partner/spouse qualifies under this section can be Irish too.
3.4 All other entrants are "World" entrants.
4 Contest Exchange:
4.1 Irish entrants (EI/GI) send a serial and their county code (the county in which the
station is located).County codes are listed in Section 11.
4.2 Irish entrants outside Ireland, known as "Overseas Irish", do not send a serial,
but identify themselves by sending a 4-digit year and a county code.
4.2.1 The year indicates the most recent year they, their partner/spouse or their direct
ancestor as relevant,left Ireland to live overseas - for example 1849, 1978,2002.
This year should be the same for all QSOs.
4.2.2 The county code indicates the most recent Irish county resided in by themselves,
their partner/spouse, or their direct ancestor. The county code should be the
same for all QSOs.
4.3 Other, non-Irish, entrants send a serial, but no county code.
4.4 Serials must be a minimum of 3 digits, with leading zeros as appropriate,
starting at 001, and increasing sequentially for each QSO logged.
5 Scoring:
5.1 CW QSOs - 3 points.
SSB QSOs - 2 points.
5.1.1 Points are doubled for QSOs with "Irish stations", those giving a county code in
accordance with these Rules.
5.2 The same station may be worked once per band/mode combination.
5.3 Multipliers are each different Irish county code, on each band and and on each mode.
The maximum is 32 per band for single-mode entrants, and 64 per band for mixed-mode
5.4 Invalid QSOs, not in conformance with these Rules, score zero points, do not qualify
as multipliers, and do not count towards Prize Draw entry.
5.5 QSOs logged with incorrect Serial/Year or County score zero points, do not qualify as
multipliers, and do not count towards Prize Draw entry.
5.6 Penalties:
5.6.1 Each QSO logged with a "busted" or "not-in-log" callsign may, at the discretion of
IRTS, incur a penalty of up to three times the expected QSO score, may not qualify
as a multiplier, and may cause a deduction of up to three QSOs in the count towards
Prize Draw entry.
5.6.2 There is no penalty for dupes - they should not be removed from your log.
6 Awards:
6.1 For each and every 75 valid QSOs logged, entrants will qualify for one entry to the
CQIR prize draw. Two prizes will be awarded, one for entrants operating from outside
Ireland, and the other for entrants operating in Ireland.
i) For entrants operating from outside Ireland:Air travel to Ireland for the entrant and
one other person - with accommodation for one week in Kinnitty Castle, Co. Offaly.
ii) For entrants operating from Ireland: A weekend in New York City for the entrant
and one other person.
6.2 Prizes are not transferable, and can not be exchanged for cash or other goods.
Prize winners must consent to being interviewed and photographed.
6.3 Prize winners must bear full personal liability for any delay, injury or incident
incurred while away from home. As such, acceptable evidence of comprehensive travel
insurance must be provided to IRTS before travel begins. Likewise, prize winners must
make their own arrangements for acquiring any necessary passports and/or tourist visas.
Do I need a Visa to come to Ireland?.
6.4 Time Limit: IRTS will use its best endeavours to facilitate prize-winners' preferences
with regards to timing. Nevertheless, a prize-winner who, for any reason, does not
avail of the prize within 11 months of the contest will forfeit the prize.
6.5 Each entrant with 75 or more valid QSOs logged will receive a participation certificate.
7 Conditions of Entry:
7.1 This is a single-operator event for human operators.
7.2 The operator must not avail of operating, logging or external assistance during the
contest period.
External assistance is "information from any source,other than that already known or
possessed by the the operator at the starting time of the contest, sought or acted upon
with the intent or potential to increase the operator's score".
Exception: Information obtained by the operator in the normal course of listening and
logging on the band(s) and mode(s) corresponding to the entry class is not
deemed to be external assistance.
7.3 The operator must not volunteer or supply information that might represent external
assistance to other entrants.In particular,any use of any spotting network is prohibited.
7.4 Cross-band and/or cross-mode QSOs are not permitted. QSOs must take place in the
recommended IARU band segments for contest operation.
7.5 The operator must not transmit on any other band or mode within 10 minutes of the first
QSO logged on a specific band/mode combination. For example, if the first such QSO
is logged at 21:02, no QSO is permitted on any other band or mode before 21:13.
QSOs in breach of this rule will score zero points, will not qualify as multipliers,
and will not count toward Prize Draw entry.
7.6 The operator must not use more power than generally permitted by his/her licence class,
regardless of any individual variation(s) or exemption(s) that may have been granted.
7.7 Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.
7.8 The operator and the station (all equipment and antennas) must be located within
a circle of 500 metres diameter.
7.9 The microphone or key(er), transmitter, amplifier (if any) and antennas must be
connected by wire at all times.
7.10 QSOs must be logged in real-time. The operator must not use recording equipment to
assist with logging or to verify logged QSOs. In this context, "equipment" includes
hardware and/or software, even if such equipment is an integral component of the station.
7.11 QSOs must not be solicited during the contest other than by calling other entrants
directly on-air, by calling CQ on-air, or by the on-air arrangement of skeds with other
entrants. Bands or modes or technologies which are not permitted in this event or which
do not correspond to the entry class are not considered to be "on-air".
7.12 All entries become the property of IRTS.
7.13 Entrants agree to be bound by the provisions and intent of these rules. In any dispute,
the decision(s) of IRTS alone shall be final.
8 Submission:
8.1 Logs must be emailed, as attached uncompressed files, to cqir-logs@irts.ie by
31st October 2007. They must be named YOURCALL.LOG where YOURCALL is the entrant's
call used during the contest.
8.2 All QSO records in your logs must conform to the Cabrillo specifications in Section 10
of these Rules - based on the specifications for the RSGB IOTA Contest at
If your logging software does not support this format, you must prepare your log with
software that does, or must reformat your log accordingly.
Logs that do not conform will not be accepted and will not qualify for any award.
8.3 Paper logs will not be accepted and will not qualify for any award.
9 Logging Software:
9.1 Free software for this event is available from http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.
SD runs on any Windows PC. When SD starts, enter a new contest/file
name (suggest CQIR07) and select the "CQIR" template.
9.2 As and when other contest loggers announce support fo CQIR, they will be listed here.
10 Cabrillo Specifications:
Note: - Although there is no requirement in CQIR to exchange signal reports on-air,
they must be included in your Cabrillo log.
10.1 EI/GI Entrant - sends Serial & County:
-----------info sent--------- ----------info rcvd----------
QSO: freq mo date time call rst nr ex2 call rst nr ex2
QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn nnnn aaa ************* nnn nnnn aaa
QSO: 21222 PH 2007-09-29 1302 GI3PDN 59 001 ANT EI7CC 59 031 DUB
QSO: 21022 CW 2007-09-29 1759 GI3PDN 599 204 ANT HA1AG 599 302 ---
QSO: 7012 CW 2007-09-30 0911 GI3PDN 599 1316 ANT W3LPL 599 1922 COR
10.2 Overseas Irish Entrant - sends Year and County:
-----------info sent--------- ----------info rcvd----------
QSO: freq mo date time call rst nr ex2 call rst nr ex2
QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn nnnn aaa ************* nnn nnnn aaa
QSO: 21222 PH 2007-09-29 1359 W3LPL 59 1922 COR EI7CC 59 031 DUB
QSO: 21022 CW 2007-09-30 0359 W3LPL 599 1922 COR HA1AG 599 848 ---
QSO: 7012 CW 2007-09-30 0359 W3LPL 599 1922 COR G4BUO 599 1986 MAY
10.3 World Entrant - sends Serial only:
-----------info sent--------- ----------info rcvd----------
QSO: freq mo date time call rst nr ex2 call rst nr ex2
QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* nnn nnnn aaa ************* nnn nnnn aaa
QSO: 21222 PH 2007-09-29 1759 HA1AG 59 302 --- GI3PDN 59 001 ANT
QSO: 21022 CW 2007-09-30 0359 HA1AG 599 848 --- W3LPL 599 1922 COR
QSO: 7012 CW 2007-09-30 0806 HA1AG 599 1026 --- UA0QL 599 117 ---
11 Ireland - County Codes:
ANT Antrim ARM Armagh CAR Carlow CAV Cavan
CLA Clare COR Cork DER Derry/Londonderry DON Donegal
DOW Down DUB Dublin FER Fermanagh GAL Galway
KER Kerry KLD Kildare KLK Kilkenny LAO Laois
LEI Leitrim LIM Limerick LON Longford LOU Louth
MAY Mayo MEA Meath MON Monaghan OFF Offaly
ROS Roscommon SLI Sligo TIP Tipperary TYR Tyrone
WAT Waterford WES Westmeath WEX Wexford WIC Wicklow